Information on the original artwork

  • Country: United States
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: montañas, verde, cuba, cordillera

Creative Commons License - by-nc-sa

Artwork description

La Cordillera de la Sierra Maestra con los picos Cuba,Suecia y Real del Turquino este es el mas alto de Cuba,con 1974m sobre el nivel del mar,donde existe un desnivel de casi 9000m lo que se conoce como la Fosa de Oriente lo que origina que en las zonas vecinas hayas precauciones por la sisminidad,en 1932 un temblor mato 13 personas , 200 heridos y daños a un gran numero de viviendas.

Artist information

Magdariaga displayed his talent for art from the age of four.When he was six his teachers would take him from assignments to demontrates his skill on the blackboards to other students. Both his parents were talented in the arts.His mother wrote poetry while his father specialized in photography.Angel always favored painting landscapes material out of toothpaste and food condiments,due to lack of artistic supplies in his contry,Serving in the Cuba army Magdariaga met...

See more information about Angel L Magdariaga

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