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Fotografia digital revelada en laboratorio con calidad fujifilms. Montada sobre bastidor contemporaneo. Puntas metalicas oxidadas. Fotografia cubierta con resina para proteger la imagen del polvo y la humedad ademas de texturizar. Intervenida con manija y 7 llaves antiguas. Medias: 120x200cm peso 20k / Digital Photograh lab printed with fujifilms quality. Mounted in contemporary hard frame. With rosty metal corners. The photo is cover with resin to protec from dust and humidity also to give texture. Intervened with 1 antique hander and 7 keys. Size: 120x200cm. Weigh: 20kg
Federico Espinosa is "Chacpol" self-taught visual artist. Born in Merida, Yucatan, a city left to travel for several years, living in different cities of the United States, Europe and Mexico. Places from which he acknowledges the city of Rome, Italy, where he lived for a year, as the space of art which has marked visually. The cultural center of Mérida "Olympus" makes its presentation to the photographic collection of "the doors of Yucatan" making an immediate success, his work has been...
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