
Fluir el momento 25 -4

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Artwork description

Creando con ello una ambigüedad, entre lo fluido y lo estático, entre el detenerse y el avanzar, entre la rigidez del estancamiento, la fluidez del movimiento y la fusión de colores.
Creando incertidumbre dentro de un espacio concreto, jugando con la inseguridad de los resultados dejando a las emociones crear una contradicción constante con el fluir del movimiento y la ambigüedad de de lo incierto.

Artist information

About Virginia Barber
My educational training and professional experience is in Interior Design. I have a degree in Interior Design from the School Elisava of Barcelona (Spain), and have for many years maintained my own consulting service in Menorca, Spain, that focuses on sustainability, energy efficiency and bioclimatic building. I have also helped organize and participated in numerous national seminars and projects such as Startup Weekend, Caeb, Joves Empresaris, and other nonprofit

See more information about kinia Barber

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Little 7.9 x 8.3 in158 $
Medium 25.2 x 26 in349 $
Big 41.8 x 43.4 in478 $
Personalized7.9 x 8.3 in
158 $

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