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Cuadro realizado en técnica de Arte Francés.Cuadro expuesto en ENIARTE 2009 "Palacio San Miguel", expuesto tambien en la 10ºConvención Arg. de Pintura Decorativa 2008 "Sheraton Hotel", Exposicion Club Atlético River Plate 2009 , Recibio medalla por presentacion en la 35ª Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires 2009 y medalla por la participacion en AFA (Asociación del Futbol Argentino)7ma. Muestra Colectiva de Artistas Plásticos 2009. Contactar al artista.
Roxana Maria Ricci .. 05/13/1969. Argentina, Buenos Aires, Capital Federal ... I hereby show my work and my love for anything creative, how important it is for me to have a goal, have a creative activity that fills my mind, making life color cover and happiness. It is an incomparable pride to have something done on our own hands and have the opportunity to demonstrate and prove that we are able, with no age restrictions, no limitations, that the imagination is always within us, it only...
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