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Un sueño controlado donde las huellas del pasado aparecen esparcidas de manera aparentemente casual.
Manchas y choreaduras verticales, con cierta rigidez, predominantemente en colores tierras y otras cálidas y con cierto movimiento. Todo sobre un fondo despejado, con sutiles juegos de texturas dejando ver la tela: la base, la esencia, el origen
Systems analyst by profession and artist by vocation. In 2004, back to the delight of children and me as a game reset in the art world in the workshop Mermaid Tails artist Fabiana Basso Yoss. Since 2007, I perfected with the teacher and artist Marta Rosario Olguín Fourcade in his workshop Petit Trianon and experiment with color the challenge of my first solo exhibition.
See more information about Alejandra Cervino