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Robot? Premiado (2 premio) XVIII Salon Rotary en el arte con motivo del dìa Internacional de la pintura. 25 de oct 2013 Jurados: Esperanza Gonz+alez, Luis Cabrera, John McMenemy
Donaciones Deloitte. Chantraine Materiales para artes plàsticas.
Premiacion Miercoles 9 de octubre del 2013
Bela Hilda, daughter of Polish parents, born in Barranquilla, Colombia, retains the flavor of his homeland and the European artistic talent as a special vocation mixture comes to painting.
His passion for art since she was born from his first years of life, colors, shapes, brushes and strokes, are the best way to express their emotions, says the artist.... See more information about Bela Hilda Sabniewiez
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