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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: United States
  • Category: Sculpture
  • Materials: Mixed
  • Theme: Figurative
  • At Artelista since:

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Artwork description

Esta escultura fue hecha con polymer clay sobre una armadura de alambre. mide 8 pulgadas y ha sido decorada con pelo real de cabra, plumas coloreadas y perlas de cristal. sus ojos fueron hecho por mi a mano e insertados en la escultura para dar un toque realistico en la mirada.

Artist information

My name is Maria Ailin Entralgo, was born in Cuba, the beautiful island girl Caribe.Desde me very interested in the arts, especially painting, but not with much success because the country of birth not prune leave my wings to fly imagination, particularly the lack of resources and materiales.En the year 2004 trip to the United States of America where I met my husband, he knows my love of art helped me to prepare and move into other branches of art, like sculpture pasion.Poco is my little...

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