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Estaba triste, nadie me hacia caso
nadie me daba consuelo
nadie hacia nada para detener este sufrimiento
nadie entre la multitud,
solo tu Señor me diste fuerzas para superarlo
solo tu me diste tantas ganas de vivir
tantas ganas de existir
tantas ganas de caminar
solo tu me quitaste el dolor
el miedo a la muerte
el miedo a la desesperación
solo tu llenaste mi corazón.
I remember as a kid I liked to draw, one day the teacher saw me drawing a naked woman and saw him as he became hysterical and taking me by giving me slaps pin em weight almost took me to the principal's office, when the teacher was I wonder where the director had copied the design, answer was my imagination, and I liked a lot, told me that was not bad, but not drawing in front of the teacher (apparently liked this maestrillo empinar elbow), to leave school leave the drawing....
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