Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Others
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Others
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: pop, guernica

Creative Commons License - by

Artwork description

AÑO: 2009

REFUGIO toma como referencia una de las escenas del Guernica, el toro como animal protector, como refugio del drama. La obra toma referencias pop, como el plátano de Warhol para Velvet Underground o las conocidas pinceladas de Lichtenstein. La tipografía alude a los refugios esparcidos por la ciudad de Valencia durante la Guerra Civil.

Artist information

Colomina recreations makes his works in abstraction that plays with references which facilitate progressive approaching Neo flows, where U.S. frolics reviews pop art through which challenged the artistic tradition through the use of cultural images popular, which embraces close ties to achieve a unique blend: a bit of figurative analysis, some criticism and irony and plenty of pop, all topped with quotes pictorial, anachronisms and bittersweet pastiches to get frantic and contrasting...

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