1996 Wood is "teak and it doesn't break when it falls", i.e hard wood. And also dark and reflecting it is perhaps a mutant wood. Buttons by Levi Strauss. Hohner backpack and bucal micro-harmonica. Tube of perfume with varnish in water. It has sound potential for those with bucal skill and if they know how to play the harmonica, so much the better. Extreme difficulty for those with generous lips. The lacquered flask may be put to various uses, from throwing it away and replacing it with a lipstick to filling it with Kalua and drinking it.
Some of the locals say that J J Cuper was born in Bilbao in the 50’s, though not all seem to be aware of that fact. As a child he lived in Iturribide, as an adult he lived in France, which he has since left. His parents studied medicine and pharmacy whilst he developed his career in Sarriko coinciding with the dawn of democracy in Spain.
He married Miss Martiatu and has two good sons who have not turned out to be snobs. He worked...
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