LocationEl Salvador

Variación de un Corset I

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: El Salvador
  • Category: Photography
  • Theme: Portrait
  • technique and supports: Black and White (Digital)
  • Measurements: 11.81 x 15.75 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: mujer, nude, art, clasico

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Artwork description

La obra de Teyo es irreverente y en cierta manera subversiva. Subvierte valores promovidos por el establishment y la sociedad de consumo. La obra Liberándose hacer referencia a la alineación más absoluta que experimenta especialmente el género femenino al dejarse manipular e imponer cánones de belleza definidos por hombres y por la gran industria.
Variación de un Corset I. se trata de una obra numerada firmada por el autor y acompañada de certificado de originalidad

Artist information

Teyo Orellana is a Salvadoran artist with 24 years of experience in art, advertising and journalistic photography. He has participated in exhibitions in El Salvador, Guatemala and Argentina. A frequent theme in his production has been the female body. With his series American Beauty which included fat models, he has challenged the traditional canons of female beauty. In his portfolio, he has also incorporate nature photography and wood sculpture rebuilt.

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