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Dimensiones: 30cm x 40cm
Técnica: Pintura Acrílico
Soporte: Lienzo
La raíz está en el corazón, despierta en la música, en un fogón, en un vino, en un payador, un solitario, un asado, amigos, compañía, en el silencio de la manta nocturna de que componen las sierras...
Un guitarrero floreció entre los colores, entre acrílicos y aguados. un guitarrero con alma de historia, con alma de gaucho, con alma de folcklore.
Born September 28, 1988 in Cordoba Capital, Argentina. Massé Bialet currently lives in a village in the department Punilla, located in the hills of Cordoba.
Since children develop their attitudes toward art, before age 2 begin to draw with concentration and dedication to the amazement of his family who saw how I could spend hours drawing.
Paul was always very perceptive, always in search of something more there.
At age 8 he began to draw...
See more information about Pablo Risso
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