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"Migrations" -2017
Acrylic painting on canvas, 130 cm long by 100 cm wide. Original work by the author. It addresses the specific issue of Cuba's various migratory processes in particular. The family since the beginning of the 20th century. Origins and socio-cultural environment. Religious beliefs, fusion of these with Catholicism. Processes of transformations of our near beings once they emigrate. Continuity of nationality and cultural and religious identity, even when social environments have changed. Belonging to the culture and faith of the emigrated man. Predominance of color range in order to the plastic speech that is addressed.
Techniques of work in layers, visual textures through the use of diverse tools-Spatulas. Unveils and use of transparencies. More than 38 years of experience of the author in the artistic creation, impose a seal peculiar to the work. Teaching, cleaning, c
See more information about Jose Raul Rodriguez Cuevas