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Artwork description

Partiendo del concepto clásico de escorzo, el autor juega con él, convirtiéndolo en una nueva perspectiva, en un traspié en el que se puede apreciar el coche desde un ángulo inclinado. Éste ha vuelto a convertirse en un automóvil, pero ahora se trata de un coche desvencijado: piezas sueltas e inútiles que el autor transforma en pinceladas de colores vivos en un nuevo intento dedotar de vida lo aparentemente muerto y olvidado

Artist information

Inazio Urrutia born in Bizkaia, in the small village of Erandio in 1948, he undertook his studies in architecture, construction engineering and building quality surveillance in several Spanish major cities. After completing his studies, he continued to improve and develop his knowledge in these fields –some in an individual manner and some working together with professionals from the architecture and engineering domains. It is during these years where he applies his background and improves...

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Little 7.9 x 11.9 in177 $
Medium 17.4 x 25.2 in287 $
Big 26 x 38.2 in444 $
Personalized7.9 x 11.9 in
177 $

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