Photo of Vicens Tort Arnau Spain

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  • Verified artists profiles Trusted Artist
  • Artelista collects the work in the artist's workshop after validating that everything is correct and takes it directly to your home. We insure the work during shipment with Allianz Seguros ™
  • A secure platform: The artist does not receive the money until you confirm that everything is fine
  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
  • Works with certificate of authenticity
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  • Payments are made online, through Artelista's secure system. Click on the "Add to cart" button and select the payment method you prefer.
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    • Carrer Unió
    • Eli Hermi al moll Gros

    El Port de la...

    3 works
    • Debora 1 (Plus size)
    • Debora 2 (Plus size)

    Plus Size

    2 works
    • Sergi al piano


    1 works
    • Pont de Can Ubach
    • Sant Cebrià Valldoreix

    Sant Cugat del...

    2 works
    • Dona nua 14
    • Home nu d'esquena 02


    9 works
    • Home nu 5


    1 works
    • Port de Barcelona_01
    • Vila Joana


    11 works
    • Casa a Ciutadella
    • Molí d'es Compte

    Dibuixos a...

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    • Dona nua ajaguda 02
    • Dona nua recolzant-se

    5 figures i 2...

    6 works
    • Lucrècia al MNAC_03
    • Lucrècia al MNAC_05

    Lucrècia al MNAC

    1 works
    • Dona nua 09
    • Església de st. Vicens

    7 dibuixos, 6...

    1 works
    • Testos i verd
    • Pont de Molins

    Bosques y...

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    • Can Termens
    • Colonia Güell


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    • Contrallum al Port
    • Des de l'apartament_01

    Port de la Selva

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    • Drac del parc Güell


    1 works
    • Rabós_01
    • Llanterna de Cotlliure


    5 works
    • Santa Eulàlia 1
    • Santa Eulalia 02


    5 works
    • Capitell Romànic_01
    • Capitell Romànic_02


    2 works
    • Casa a Ciutadella
    • Palau Torres Saura
    • Ajuntament de Ciutadella


    4 works
    • Apunt 3 minuts 6
    • Apunt 5 minuts_05
    • Dona nua_06

    Apunts del st....

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    • Gerro Reynés
    • El test de Can Sastre

    Escultures i...

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