BIOGRAPHY Jose Parra was born in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico, as part of the third generation of painters in the family. His grandfather was an artist and engineer in Tepic Nayarit. His father J. Parra "Parrech", followed by his brother Agustin Parra "moved to Guadalajara to begin resume Costumbrista Mexican painting. The two brothers grew up in a few years, doing everything from painting and sculpture, to elaborate decoration pieces, inspired by the Ibero-American Baroque. Now Agustn is... BIOGRAPHY Jose Parra was born in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico, as part of the third generation of painters in the family. His grandfather was an artist and engineer in Tepic Nayarit. His father J. Parra "Parrech", followed by his brother Agustin Parra "moved to Guadalajara to begin resume Costumbrista Mexican painting. The two brothers grew up in a few years, doing everything from painting and sculpture, to elaborate decoration pieces, inspired by the Ibero-American Baroque. Now Agustn is internationally known for having more than twelve chairs for Pope John Paul II, becoming the official supplier to the Vatican. Parrech became a character in the local plastic stage, because on one hand the quality of their parts and other support from his studio with artists such as Sergio Garval, Monraz Enrique, Jose Moraila, Ruben Garc Nino ay Maga, among others. The increasingly familiar "Cupboards Parrech" have been exhibited in South America, Europe and North America. JosParra had his first contact with the paint early in the study of his father, but it was not until 16 years when he decided to formally join the studio-workshop, where the school learns of the family. AFTER studying at the race begins ITESO Plastic Arts at the University of Guadalajara. The first individual exhibicin llegdespus to win a prize in the "Young Art" at the age of 21 years. It was at this display at where it takes the action of Talavera as an integral part of his compositions. After working with galleries in Puerto Vallarta for three years, and in Toronto for a brief period, Jose Parra exhibited for the first time in New York. It was at this first visit when he joins the "Art Students League of New York" where she takes classes in anatomy. In the year 2000 he participated in collective The exhibition "Le Monde Misterieux" on Belenky Galera with six pieces, and in this same year when it begins to work with "Galerie 2000" in Montreal. In 2001, thanks to the success of last exhibicin, gets its first individual in New York with "The Subway Sessions." In the same year began working with "Gruen Galleries in Chicago. AFTER the events of September 11, Belenky Galley rene a group of artists for a special event, which llamGod Bless America "to raise funds for Red Cross while carrying a message of hope. In this event, Jose Parra part with two pieces: "Song of Liberty" and "Viva". In 2002 participates in an auction next to pieces by artists such as Rivera, Toledo and Dr. Atl. On August 7, 2003 exhibisu first collection of carnival characters in "Harlequin's Tales" in Belenky NY Because of the acceptance extendihasta The exhibition is on January 19, 2004. From 23 April to 20 June The exhibition takes place Home Stories and Caprichos Vallarta Guadalajara, where 18 pieces were exhibited in five rooms. The opening event recibiams 500. In July 2005 saw the exhibition "The Lost Continent" in Galera Minerva, Asheville North Carolina, was preceded by two cocktails, two pieces on display, in the latter parts of the collection Slosman. Minerva Galera recibimas 500 people on opening day. The exhibition Tales from the Lost Continent, a continuation of the held in Asheville, was held at the Museum of the City of San Miguel de Allende in Guanajuato, Mexico. In June 2006, increased the collection last llevesta Art Space in Guadalajara Televisa, which had very good acceptance by the critics and the general public, and in July the same year in Galera ArtAmricas Montreal collective actions by the Passionné months with duration of two months. Today is JosParra working on a commission for the collection especially Riley in Tucson Arizona, in coordination with Minerva Galera and Arizona Historical Society Tucson.