CURRICULUM VITAE JESUS BASIN STUDIES CALERO She studied Arts and Crafts (Painting) from 1983 to 1988 at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. Is a graduate in Applied Arts (Painting) by Llotja School since 1988. He graduated in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, since 1995. EXHIBITIONS April 1998 in Vall d'Hebron Pabelló Docent in Barcelona. May 1998 at the Hospital of Traumatology and Rebuilding of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona. June...
CURRICULUM VITAE JESUS BASIN STUDIES CALERO She studied Arts and Crafts (Painting) from 1983 to 1988 at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. Is a graduate in Applied Arts (Painting) by Llotja School since 1988. He graduated in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, since 1995. EXHIBITIONS April 1998 in Vall d'Hebron Pabelló Docent in Barcelona. May 1998 at the Hospital of Traumatology and Rebuilding of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona. June 1998 at the Hospital Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona. May 2002, at the Consulate General of Brazil in Barcelona. In July and August 2003, at Hotel Alimara, Barcelona. From 21 August to 9 September 2004 in the Board of Comarruga Anna Barcons, Tarragona. From July 29 to August 17, 2006 in Anna Sala Barcons Comarruga, Tarragona. 2007 at PicassoMio EXHIBITIONS In 1987 participates in the "Mostra i Creacions Artístiques Culturals the Barri d'Horta, Barcelona. In 1989 participates in the exhibition of the Centre Cultural Caixa de Terrassa, Barcelona. In 1991 participates in the exhibition of the Barceló Foundation, Palma de Mallorca. In June 1994 participated in the "Exhibition" Pintors col.lectiva of Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona. In September 2001 participated in the exhibition of the "Sala Barna" in the "Batik Art" of Barcelona. In February 2002 participated in the exhibition of the "Sala Barna" in the "Batik Art" of Barcelona. In September 2002 he participated in the exhibition Hexalfa Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal. In December 2002 he participates in group exhibition Artitude Gallery, Paris, France. In December 2002 he participates in the group exhibition of "XI International Exhibition of Art ACEA'S", Barcelona. In March 2003 he participated in the exhibition FEXDEGA Foundation, the City Council of Arousa, Vilagarcía. In April 2003 he participated in the exhibition of the Casa das Artes, the Council of Vigo, Vigo. In April 2003 he participated in the Cultural Center exhibit gives Diputación de Ourense, Ourense. In April 2003 he participated in the exhibition Art House Villa del Este, San Sebastian. In April 2003 he participated in the Euro Arctic exhibition in Bologna, Italy. In May 2003 he participated in the exposure of the Fundación Eugenio Granell, Santiago de Compostela. In June 2003 he participated in the exhibition of the Museo de Pontevedra, the Edificio Sarmiento, Pontevedra. In June 2003 he participated in the exhibition of the Board Anna Barcons, Comarruga, Tarragona. In July 2003 he participated in the exhibition "Calalunya nous talents", Gallery d'Art Lebaci, Palma de Mallorca. In September 2003, the Board of Comarruga Anna Barcons, Tarragona. From October 17 to November 16, 2003, Hall ACEA'S, small format. From 17 to 30 January 2004 at the Museum Javier de la Rosa, Villa Agaete, Gran Canaria. From November 20 to December 30, 2004, in the "Spai Cincómonos d'art, Barcelona. From June 18 to July 7, 2005, at Sala de Arte Anna Barcons, Comarruga, Tarragona. From June 23 to July 6, 2007, in the Art Gallery Anna Barcons, Comarruga, Tarragona 1 to March 15, 2008, in Oden's Dart Gallery of Tarragona. From July 26 to August 15, 2008, in Room Arts Anna Barcons, Comarruga, Tarragona. From June 20, 2009, at Sala de Arte Anna Barcons. Comarruga Tarragona. June 2010 in Anna Barcons of Tarragona. Awards and recognition in April 1989 participated in the first prize for painting Ricard Camí, Terrassa (Barcelona), was selected Latent Landscape work. In October 1991, participates in the First Painting Contest Barceló Foundation of Mallorca, the work was selected backdrop. WORK IN PERMANENT Espais Acea's D'Art, Barcelona. Javier de la Rosa Museum, Villa Agaete, Gran Canaria. BIBLIOGRAPHY Catalog Painting 1st Prize Ricard Camí (p. 33) Caixa d'Estalvis de Terrassa, 1989. Barcelona. Vall d'Hebron Journal, No. 21, 1998. Hospitals Vall d'Hebron. Barcelona. Revistart No. 60 (p. 47). Arts magazine. Editorial Anuart. 2001. Barcelona. Revistart n º 69 (P. 47). Arts magazine. Editorial Anuart. 2001. Barcelona. Catalogue "Art axuda Galicia" (p. 85). Editorial Marea Branca. November 2002. Diputación de Pontevedra. Revistart No. 80. Arts magazine. Editorial Anuart. 2003. Barcelona. Revistart n º 91. Arts magazine. Editorial Anuart. 2004. Barcelona. Revistart n º 99. (P. 54) Magazine of the arts. Editorial Anuart. 2005. Barcelona. Revistart No. 108 (p. 55). Arts magazine. Editorial Anuart. 2006. Barcelona. National Art Catalog 01/05 CANART Anuart Editions Pag 120 Magazines 2006 No 121 (p. 56) Magazine of the arts. Editorial Anuart. 2007. Journal No. 129 (p. 54). Journal of the Arts. Editorial Anuart. Year 2008 Issue N ª 138 (p. 54). Journal of the Arts. Editorial Anuart. 2009 Barcelona, October 2009