Photo of Armindo dos Santos Portugal
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Born in Lisbon. Professor, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon. In Paris he attended the workshops of Beaux-Arts during the years of aps "May 68". Also attended the workshops at the University of Paris VIII, where he began carving and engraving, while giving new shapes to your drawing and experimenting with new techniques of pastry and colorist. He was part of the move-Cloche Art. "...

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Born in Lisbon. Professor, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon. In Paris he attended the workshops of Beaux-Arts during the years of aps "May 68". Also attended the workshops at the University of Paris VIII, where he began carving and engraving, while giving new shapes to your drawing and experimenting with new techniques of pastry and colorist. He was part of the move-Cloche Art. " Illustrated book of poems L'Important C'est Aimer Hermano Neves, published by JP Oswald in Honfleur. Exhibitions in the gallery did vrias St. Andrdes Arts (Quartier Latin) in Paris. Back in Portugal made some exhibitions in the province, with the overall purpose of contributing to greater cultural openness of the interior of the country: In the city of the Fund, the House of Maya, with an exposure to the theme "The World for the Riverside temptations and Fantasies Armindo Dos Santos." This was followed by an exhibition at the Museum vora D. Manuel, on the theme "temptations and fantasies - an itinerary of Armindo Dos Santos." He also participated in a vora collective exhibition on the occasion of 10th anniversary of Teoartis Gallery in pstuma Homage to Manuel Lima. Participated in exhibitions in the Gallery of Lagos legal, etc.. He participated in three International Exhibition of plastic arts Sesimbra, 2006. Just been held in Leiria, the Library Afonso Lopes Vieira, the exhibition entitled "Insinuaes. Had an internet site Gallery darter Armindo Dos Santos:

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