Naciel February 3, 1945, in the district of Mncora, Department of Piura. Inicisus studies at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Piura, then continue the National School of Fine Arts in Lima, taking second national award "Henry Brent" in the year 1974. "Refer to Arcadio Boyer, is to approach the privacy of people Northern land, the figure shows emotion and landscape of his homeland, with carob and cotton, with its Chinese potters frequenting the nearby sea and agitation No fish between nets and boats. The scenes of the life and work come to a beautiful pathos in its own color, with the utilization of a particular anatomy. Sometimes venturing along the boundaries of abstraction, always with dazzling colors and Allseas warns the suggestion of the formalities to permanently flood your retina. " Oscar Allan C. Lima - PerArcadio Boyer, traditionally offers a unique facet of the issue, consider what pudira Indians, but certain connotations liberndose primitive character missing and incorporating the work a unique descriptive intention, in which the material is used. Luis Robles Gonzles May, 1989 - Madrid - Spain "Boyer expresses warmly palpitating moments of life, emphasizing the spirituality of men and objects." Gianinazzi La Voce di Carlo Castagnola - Italy. Year 1999 Single Exhibition Galera La Quinta, Lima - Peru. 2001 Individual Exhibition "Homage to Piura", Hall A Icpna of Miraflores, Lima - Peru. 2002 "Collection of Contemporary Peruvian Art, Exhibition Hall of the College's doctor Madrid - Spain. 2005 Collective exhibition "Colors of PerPraga - Czech Republic. 2006 Individual Exhibition" Scenes Latijns uit Amerika " -Holannda.