San Juan, Argentina 1963 Painter artistic Your formacinbsica begin the National School of Fine Arts Lola Mora and complete the National School of Ceramics, practictalleres painting and charged with Ferdinando Nardone, enTerni, Italy and wall-tapantojos with JosManuel Garcia Rivera in Madrid, Spain. In the beginning realizexposiciones in Floreanpolis (Brazil) and trendy bars and Cultural Capital. In 1990, based in Madrid joins a group calling themselves idealists, with their exhibitions in galleries Turn, Milny Madrid. Your samples run through various cultural centers in Spain (Sotillo de la Adrada in Avila, San Martin de Valdeiglesias, Glass Gallows, San Lorenzo del Escorial, Majadahonda, Valdemoro Madrid) and regional houses of La Rioja and Asturias. Back in Argentina is set in San Luis, where he is awarded the Scholarship Art Siglo XXI, apart from that time the Directorate of Culture of the Province organized several exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Cordoba and San Luis (Capital, La Toma, Merlo, Quines, San Francisco, and almost the entire interior of the province): In this province also set out in the Provincial Museum Dora Ochoa Masramn, Theatre Berta Vidal de Batn, Institute scientist and Cultural El Diario, Librera Cultural Macedonio, in commercial office of the newspaper the view, channel 13, TVC Puntana and performs murals and large works that estn located in position Utilities (Plaza Asumta Manca de Heredia, Ciudad de la Punta, the Hospital School of Mental Health, International Airport Conlan), Hotel Potrero de los Funes and Municipality of Juana Kolsay . In Buenos Aires: Galera Form, Karina Paradiso, Paspart. = Http:// 73019