Photo of Iris Degregorio Argentina

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Argentina, born in Buenos Aires, workshops form Gerardo Granda, Adrin Giacchetti and Alberto Delmonte. MEEBA Cursdibujo and painting (Association of Students and Alumni of Fine Arts), recorded with Carlos and Marcelo Demestre Malagamba, History of Art at the National Museum of Engraving and Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center; fotopolmeros Matilda Marn; litografay colografa in Grafica Experimental Workshop in Havana (Cuba);...

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Photo of Iris Degregorio Argentina

Argentina, born in Buenos Aires, workshops form Gerardo Granda, Adrin Giacchetti and Alberto Delmonte. MEEBA Cursdibujo and painting (Association of Students and Alumni of Fine Arts), recorded with Carlos and Marcelo Demestre Malagamba, History of Art at the National Museum of Engraving and Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center; fotopolmeros Matilda Marn; litografay colografa in Grafica Experimental Workshop in Havana (Cuba); electrographic with Alicia Diaz Rinaldi and carborundum metal engraving, contemporary graphic with Oliveiler Regina (Brazil). He is a member of: Friends of the National Association of Engraving, Argentina - Latin American League of Artists based in Bogota, Colombia Confluence Group Engravers, Art & Art Group Argentina, Argentina. SOLO SHOWS 1992: Cooperative Bank Foundation Home, Home - Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina 1993: Museum of Visual Arts and Clucellas Sister Josefa Diaz, Santa Fe - Santa Fe Province, Argentina. Museo de Bellas Artes "Dr. Pedro E. Martinez, Paran, Province of Entre Rios, Argentina 1994: Banco Bica Foundation - Living May, Paran, Province of Entre Rios, Argentina. 1995: Alliance Francaise - Alfredo Fortabat Center, Art Gallery "La Porte Ouvert", Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1996: Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the nation, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1997: Home Cooperative Foundation, Caseros, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Crown Plaza Panamericano Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1998: National Museum of Printmaking, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Centro Cultural Andino, Secretary of Culture, City of fourth Ro, Ro Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina 1999: Museum of Visual Arts and Clucellas Sister Josefa Diaz, Santa Fe - Province of Santa Fe, Argentina 2004: Art Point Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005: Karina Paradiso Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina ROOMS AND INTERNATIONAL (Last years) 1998: IV Salon of Erotic Art - Galera Fayad Jamis - Havana, Cuba (guest) Galer the Municipal Art Confluence Group October 10, Recorded in Havana, Cuba. Art Institute of St. Matthias Kolleg Tnsdorf - Germany The Little Graphic Arts - International Exhibition - Environmental protection and railway Lithuania 1999: 19 Van De Biennale Kleingrafiek - Sint Niklaas, Belgium Third Kiwa exhibition The 30th Japan Tour and peace Yokosuka Art Exhibition of Japan College Argentino - Madrid, Spain 2000: National Salon of Plastic Arts Women and Their Cultural Prominence 2000 Fine Arts Museum of Buenos Aires, La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Plastic Arts Salon Recorded Pampeano Santa Rosa, La Pampa XXV Annual Salon of Drawing and Engraving Avellaneda, Buenos Aires International Small Engraving Salon 2000 Romania Carbunari 3rd International Biennial Poland Racibrz Ex-Libris Concorso Internationale Vinci Leonardo Vinci, Italy 2001: National Salon Woman and her Cultural Prominence Undersecretary of Culture 2001 La Plata, Buenos Aires 20 De Van De Kleingrafiek Biennale - Sint Niklaas, Belgium Yokosuka Peace 32nd International Art Exhibition of Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2001 2002: House of Culture City of Villa Gesell, Province of Buenos Aires Casa de la Cultura of Guadalupe and the Collective A3, Guadalupe Zacatecas - Mexico Engraving Contest PDA Caliu Spain 1 The Art Fair 2002 The straws Contemporary Argentine Art 2003 - Art House XXI Buenos Aires 2003: 8 International Print Competition 2003 The Caliu Olot, Girona, Spain Museum Old Mint 20 years of Confluence, Recorder Group Argentina Buenos Aires Institute of Art Gallery UFRGS Porto Barao de Sant Angelo AEGR-Brazil 2004: Arts Outreach Bnai Brith Argentina Palais de Glace Buenos Aires - Argentina Latin American League of Artists, Autonomous University of Mexico State Recorder Group Galera Alternate Confluence of Argentina Bogota, Colombia Art & Art Group Casal de Catalunya Festival of the Merc2004 Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005 X Bienal Guadalupana III International Exhibition in format: Little Peace in and for the world - Mexico 11th International Biennial of Small Graphics and Exlibris Ostrow Wielkopolski XXI II 2005 Visual Art Fair Las Ca ites Buenos Aires, Argentina Group Arts Center Arts & Bs Galicia Luis Seoane Galera AWARDS 1989: Fine Arts Club of Buenos Aires 1990: 1 Award: Little Salon Sapi Format February 3 Province of Buenos Aires 1991: Recorded 3Mencin artistic Quinquela Association Hurlingham Buenos Aires Province 4 Mention Engraving, Hall Format Pequeo SAAP - Buenos Aires, Argentina 3 Award Engraving, "artistic Agrupacin Quinquela" - Hurlingham, Buenos Aires 1992: 1 Recorded Mention , Art I dimension Buenos Aires, Argentina 2 Award Engraving, "1 Salon del Sur" - Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3 Award Engraving, Hall Format Pequeo SAAP - Buenos Aires, Argentina 1993: Finalist in Ex-libris, Nolyx Anitnegra - Buenos Aires, Argentina 1998: Mention of honor, IV Salon Buenos Aires - Tina Di Primio - Buenos Aires, Argentina 1999: Grand Prix, XLIII Otoo Hall of San Fernando 1999 - San Fernando, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2001: International Salon Mention in Printmaking Woman and her cultural role 2001 Fine Arts Museum of Buenos Aires La Plata, Buenos Aires Province 2002: Second Prize Nations Galera Engraving Art Buenos Aires International Publications (among others) the International Day Art: Latin American Documenta-Suns, the other agenda, Buenos Aires - Instincts, Paran, Entre Ros Arts, Values ??and Trends; Bs.As Fresa y Chocolate: Peridico Cuban culture bimonthly magazine Bohemia, La Habana, Cuba Erotic Art Book, Quilmes, Province of Buenos, Aires Argentine Art Collection II, Today Art Today: Special Education, Buenos Aires - Leadership Journal, Buenos Aires Stimulus (Art and communication) - Buenos Aires - Participcomo jury at the Salon of The Loft of Palermo Viejo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in representation of the Autonomous University of Acapulco (Mexico) Jury at the Spring Salon of Visual Arts Art 2002Casa XXIBarrio The straws Bs 2004 Casa de Arte JuradoSaln XXI, Buenos Aires His works have museums and institutions in Argentina, Mexico, Japan, Cuba, Panama, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, USA, Italy, Romania and private collections in Argentina, Cuba, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, USA, Switzerland and Germany.

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