Mziat Daniel was an artist who is dedicated to the exploration of alternative forms of painting. Has explored different techniques with industrial paints, varnishes and resins for construction, high performance paints, varnishes and oils of different densities. An exhaustive study of mixed technique to mix in a flat, traditional oil-based paints with some Acrylics and industrial paints. Vlez Mziat Phillippe Daniel, was born BogotColombia, 3 February 1977. CursEstudios primary and secondary education at the Gimnasio Moderno Bogota. Terminestudios at the Pontifical Javeriana University faculty of Arts with the title of Master of Visual Arts with an emphasis on plastic expression. 1996-2002. During the 97 and 98 years was Director and Professor of Photography at the Workshop gora, then as an independent until the year 2000. He has taught courses capacitacin customized for software and computer work. As an independent forming the graphic design, corporate image design, printing and publications. Gestvarias companies for small and medium enterprises. He was Director of the Consortium SIGN Picture and Image Events 2004-2005 and Project Director and founding partner of Visual Touch, 2001 - 2005 Mziat is currently Director of Art and Design. He has directed several film projects and documentaries, commercials, promotional and institutional. He specializes in the publication of books and magazines and the realization of forms. Since the year 2002 has been committed to the color red. All his work has been directed to the study and development of different techniques applied not only with the brush but with spatula, roller, dry brushes, rags and development tctil to apply the color in proportions and amounts necessary to achieve a introspeccin of anthropology, compared to the craft of painting, not to mention the tour of the red color. Several years in which has been permanently In Search of the Original Red. ____________________________________________ IN SEARCH OF THE ORIGINAL RED. During the year 2003 the search for the exact color terminprecisamente the first color of the solar spectrum. Red color with which I have seen teirse to the moon, liquor Baudelaire, land fertilized with the blood of the martyrs, violence, the revolution, the exact color of love and vibrant passion to exalt the passions and emotions in the immediacy of being human. The Red away now forms orgnic commodities and competing alone in a rhythm, a pulse and a heartbeat that delves into the spinal cord, is exalted in its immense diversity and confrontation of adjectives that nico they do is keep pulling a red always. Not the color of violence or love, is not steeped in revolution tone that preventive Dejun danger mark, nor the beautiful dress Russian Square. Just a uniqueness that is disputed between the abstract and explanatory and to be intense part of everyday life. The dawn of rosy tone gives way to the Incarnation living in inner ms, uterine and cartilage, chest, breaking the flesh, to let emerge the red color, flexible, exciting, erotic, narcissistic, scarlet party. Red rojeante, rojear, redness, redness, red wine, fire, Red purifier, cleanses the blood renews the soul. Imperceptibly begins to generate enough criticisms atmospheres, dramticas and distressing to get away from the inner demons, making the redness under permanent redness, sensations objective of energy, chaotic order of est mules incomprehensible, vibrant, timeless, volatile. To germinate between red meat, the taste of blood and soil, anointing of primary energy in the cervical cord and re-emergence of mind, waiting for permission from the new dawn and continue to Rojo Find it in the original red, the red of our origin. At the end of the year 2005 the search for the color Rojo started becoming a more mature handling of pigments and technique. Employe to achieve a product of his work impeccably finished, Daniel Mziat gestate start what is now known as da Pinturatorio. After four years of research with the red, the idea of ??finding the error and in the process of trial and error, now proven, the exact path to develop his pictorial work, is what a been working long hours to further develop experimentacintcnica and theorists in general painting and contemporary painting. Started in 2006 and convinced the experimental development is the key for successful development of his work, we now give other colors besides red began to intervene in it, the target has never been denied, you have now a most important role, finishes accurately, coppery tones and sometimes imperceptible presence of blue and green are the possibilities stimulated in a more colorful world close to a young and contemporary art, showing its development necessary to continue the debugging a research project closure and that there are today already has its name and starts working for him and for other artists in his workshop, with the name of Pinturatorio. PINTURATORIO. Exactly% u2026 Laboratory of Painting. Allseas can explore, find, rule, test and study, while plastic develops a sense, a contemporary aesthetic and pictorial work quines undoubtedly interested in the covers. Start a new color travel without leaving the strong influence of red, including textures, geometries inaccurate urban landscape may be well labyrinth of a mind that seeks to prove, in the craft of painting that exact origin of color, evidence in red anchor, the anthropological retrospective Intrinsic human being. ________________________________________ Some collections. BogotRoyal-Hotels-Hotel-Hoteles Dann Carton Radisson-Lus Fernando Ramirez. (Curator of the Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango)-Soul Awakening Foundation Miguel Ortega. (Former President Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros)-Alejandro Vivas Bentez-RenJoaqun Mziat. (Department of Mathematics University of the Andes)-Dann Carlton Hotel Bogota. Radisson Hotel Bogota-Vegalara-Roberto Felipe Andres Lombo-Mziat-Joaqun Vlez ________________________________________ SOME SHOWS. -Fitness Modern Art exhibition and auction Gimnasiano. Bogot. September 2004. -Fitness Modern Art exhibition and auction Gimnasiano II. Bogot. October 2005. "Savitri, a space of peace and culture. Bogot. August 2005. "Savitri, a space of peace and culture. Bogot. April 2006. "Linas. Bogot. November 2005. -Hotel Radisson. Bogot. March 2005. -Hotel BogotRoyal. March, July, 2005. La Cava Restaurant. Bogot. September 2003. -Carton Hotel Dann Bogota. May 2005. Club El Nogal. Bogot. June 2005.