Photo of Cécile Marchand France
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Studies 1989: Fine Arts - Painting Section 1988: Bertrand Barrachin Workshop 1987: Art School of Cergy-Pontoise galleries Group Exhibitions 2007: Galerie Henry Noyal (Strasbourg) 2007: Gallery Tourgville (July / August) 2007 : Salon Figuration Critique (Lyon, June / July) 2007: Muse Beijing (May) 2007: Royal Stables Cluny (30 March to 20 April) 2007: Art and hope (the hospital Vsinet, 15 March 24) 2007: The Gallery...

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Studies 1989: Fine Arts - Painting Section 1988: Bertrand Barrachin Workshop 1987: Art School of Cergy-Pontoise galleries Group Exhibitions 2007: Galerie Henry Noyal (Strasbourg) 2007: Gallery Tourgville (July / August) 2007 : Salon Figuration Critique (Lyon, June / July) 2007: Muse Beijing (May) 2007: Royal Stables Cluny (30 March to 20 April) 2007: Art and hope (the hospital Vsinet, 15 March 24) 2007: The Gallery (Tourgville / Deauville) opening 02 December 2006-March2007 2006: Art in Paris (Grand Palais, Paris) 2006: Royal College of Art (London) 2006: Gallery Tourgeville (Deauville) 2006 : gallery art club (Paris) 2006: Cario Cezskam Workshop 2006: Hall of the Legion of Honour 2005: Fountain Gallery of Art 2005 2006: exhibition CAEN (convent girls) 2005 2006: 2005 Marina Gallery: Gallery Vigny, 2003 - 2004: Contemporary Marchd'art "Attract'art" Genainville (consecration and organization) 2001 - 2003: Exhibitions Hospital G. Pompidou, VESINET Hospital, Necker Hospital from 1989 to 2003: French Salon des Artistes Paris 1999: Galerie Alba Modena 1999: Art Expo New York 1998: Park House (Thmricourt) 1995: Purple Lounge Paris 1993: Center for Art and Culture Auckland, New Zlande 1991: Salon des Independants Art Market: Bastille, Meulan Exchange, St. Martin ChizCanal Suresnes, Attract ' art ... Solo exhibitions gallery Tourgville 2006/2007 _____________________________ private sale (paris) 19 and October 20, 2005 August 2005 Avenue Marceau April 20 to May 4 in the exhibition pavilion josephine April 27 2:00 p.m. sale DROUOT a work of 2005: 2004: Siege of CIC (95) 2004 Chateau de vigny.Vexin 2004: Exhibition CULTURAL SPACE LECLERC - Moisselles 2002: Space Alberica Paris / France Chteau de Vigny / gallery Verand'artiste 2000: Park House (95). Vexin 1998: MUSD the poste.Paris 1997: Gallery Verand'artiste (permanent exhibition). SWITZERLAND 1995: Rouen. France 1993: Eglise de la Madeleine. Paris 1992: Chateau de Maintenon 1991: Rueil-Malmaison 1990: The Chesapeake and Awards 2006: Bronze Medal (French Artists, Grand Palais Paris) 2006: Price Bashkirtseff (Grand Palace Paris) 2004: Odds and REFERENCES AKOUN (paper topic) / ARTPRICE / Drouot Quotation 2002: from French Salon, Rosa Bonheur Awards 1989: Mdaille bronze art deserves the Order 1993: silver medal Auckland New Zlande Collections Public Sale: Hotel Drouot, 2005 (Peter Berger) September 2004 (master-Coutau Begarri) Company: Elf-Aquitaine (control prsidentielle) Phoenix, SocietMODAL, AGF, Misumoto particulires Collections: Switzerland, France, Belgium, Germany, USA, South Africa and Japan ... Miscellaneous: 2003.2004.2006 Murals with Children's Hospital Necker Sick Children (exposed in permanently) Table ralispar children of primary school Marcouville (95) (Ms. ROCCA teacher)

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