Home > Artworks > Nelson Jaroslavsky Jaroslavsky

Photo of Nelson Jaroslavsky Jaroslavsky Spain

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Formed in FARF in 1973, living in the forensic world since 1970. Justia officer, assigned to assist Public Ministry, to assist appointed Magistrates. Then I started practicing law. In 1990, Chief of Police Office where I retired and returned advocacy. Guest, reported two hundred and six cases of XII COURT OF DISCIPLINE POLICY AND THE ORDER OF ADVOCATES OF BRAZIL IN SAO JOSE DO RIO PRETO. Currently, plead with two children....

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Formed in FARF in 1973, living in the forensic world since 1970. Justia officer, assigned to assist Public Ministry, to assist appointed Magistrates. Then I started practicing law. In 1990, Chief of Police Office where I retired and returned advocacy. Guest, reported two hundred and six cases of XII COURT OF DISCIPLINE POLICY AND THE ORDER OF ADVOCATES OF BRAZIL IN SAO JOSE DO RIO PRETO. Currently, plead with two children. I have a daughter fonoaudiloga. I dedicate myself painting hdez years. In that period I did some experiments, especially with oxidaoes and corrosive, combining knowledge of art pictrica industrial chemist. A story published in a dozen magazines Association of Chief Police Officers, eleven newspapers in Noble and Class in a magazine - "HALF JURDICO" - n 43 estna that page. Invited to participate in dictionary Riopretense edia 2007. Seventeen trees planted, nine frutferas, with the expectation that there is so much hunger in in the world, without result. YOUR OPINION IS VERY IMPORTANT Thanks for visiting and come back often. SJRPreto, January 2007

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