Photo of Martin Soria Chile

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PORTRAITS TO LEO MARTIN SORIA (CHECK PRICES by size) Name: Martn Soria Address: Fernando de Arguello 7763 Vitacura Age-48 years Telephone 09 2012755 4047601 Web: Chilean and Spanish Nationality Higher Education Area Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Faculty of Fine Arts School of San Fernando Madrid 1975-1980 ADVANCED STUDIES Artquio Academy of Madrid Madrid 1973-75 Cellinni...

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Photo of Martin Soria Chile

PORTRAITS TO LEO MARTIN SORIA (CHECK PRICES by size) Name: Martn Soria Address: Fernando de Arguello 7763 Vitacura Age-48 years Telephone 09 2012755 4047601 Web: Chilean and Spanish Nationality Higher Education Area Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Faculty of Fine Arts School of San Fernando Madrid 1975-1980 ADVANCED STUDIES Artquio Academy of Madrid Madrid 1973-75 Cellinni Academy 1973 C Circle of Fine Arts in Madrid 1972-1979 Museum of artistic Plays Complutense de Madrid. HONORS 1973-79 honors in drawing Faculty of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid in 1996 and 1997. Artistic experience as Sculptor-forge-Realicoriginales Equestrian foundry in clay and cast in silicone lost wax-casting parts required by the foundry located in Virginia USA 1988-MCMC Monumental Construction and Moulding Company- Realicproyectos Disey plates, classic moldings and ornamentation, such as the realization of ornamental work to decorate the Conference Room of the Treasury (Department Treausure Building) Washington DC. 1988-1989. "I have also modeled portraits of various people. As Artist Exhibition 1998 at the Municipal Museum of Modern Art in Mendoza, Argentina. 1995 - I began painting for galleries Toms Andreu, Art Space, Ana Mara Isabel Aninat stagnated and Praxis among others, participating in exhibitions or selling travs of these galleries. 1992 - Portrait of the President of the United States George Bush, offered the President to travs of AMCHAM, during his visit to Chile. 1991 - Individual Exhibition in the City of Los Angeles. 1991 - Exhibition in Concepcin Ladder Galera. 1990-1992 - Portraits of illustrious personages Realic40 to COUNCIL FOR WORLD PEACE SUMMIT in Washington DC. USA. 1988 Exhibition Single Deck The Wall Gallery in Atlantic City. New Jersey USA 1987 Exhibition at the Museum of Art Cuabana in Miami Florida USA. Exhibition 1987 Barnett Bank Tower in Miami Florida USA. 1987 Exhibition in the Big Five Club Miami Florida USA. 1986-Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Miami Florida USA. 1986 - Exhibition in Gallery Two Bakery Center Miami Florida USA. 1986 - Aperio Gallery Exhibition in Miami Florida USA. 1985 - Exhibition in Miami Florida USA Letti Show 1982 - Exhibition in Gallery Crescent Mansfield. England. 1976 - Exhibition in the Hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts of San Fernando Madrid. As Illustrator Full Time 1985-1990 The Washington Times Corporation. Realicilustraciones, drawings and portraits for various publications including the Journal Corporacion The World and I Magazine, The Washington Times and Inside Magazine. Overcoming thousand including published work. Freelance Efectutrabajos for the following publications: U.S. Education Higuer The Chronicle of New York. The International Jewish Monthly News New York. The Unifications News New York. Ottenheimer Publishers Inc. Washington DC. CAUSA USA. New York Magazine The Sentinel of Tampa Florida USA New York USA The Journal CHILE Realicilustraciones for the following publications: Daily Journal Sunday Mercury newspaper La Epoca Magazine Marie Claire Magazine World Magazine Paula economy Dinners America Journal The Journal Magazine Gestin IlustrLibros for the following publishers: Aditorial Andres Bello University Press. Santiago Editorial Editorial Andina. Advertising RealicIlustraciones for the following agencies: BBDO MACCA HOME CENTER SODIMAC ERICKSON Veritas Associates Advertising Designers. Leo Burnett Advertising Lpez and Sutil Tocilg MTM Advertising Outlook Realicilustracines buildings for the following companies: Fuenzalida Properties. Avila Real Estate Boetsh Tasco Limited Prodalem Habitacoop ltda. Sodimac Antonio Bascuas Crdova Mourtigno and Associates Real Estate Associates Stitchkin Cristian Boza-TEACHING EXPERIENCE I am currently teaching at the School of Design at the University of Development since 2000. I teach students drawing 2 of 2 year-I Project Director Academy of Fine Arts Martn Soria, since 2000. 1999 - Professor of Drawing at 1 in the Faculty of Arts at the University Finisterrae. 1996 - Iniciun drawing and painting workshop which was later transformed into the present school, where courses of Teora of Art, technicians and Procedures Perspective Drawing and Painting, artistic anatomy, and History. ACTIVITIES academics ComitEditor 2001 Member of the journal magical Works Seminar 2001 Founder of the encounter with our own identity-2001-Founder of theorists Seminar on Plastic Arts-2001 editorial in the Journal Contributor Prima Materia where I collaborate with today. 2001 Author of the book entitled "Art Teora. Wikimedia 2001-2002 Galeras and People Program with journalist Loreto Velsquez Full Channel making several news segments of the program. 2002 Author of the book, Essential Principles of the Law 2003 Author of the book, Essential Principles educacin 2003 Author of the book Value Teora. 2004 Author of over one hundred articles related to plastic arts. BIBLIOGRAPHY CATALOGS-Five Chilean Artists and Martn Soria Mendoza. 1998 Consulate General of Chile. "Sensuality to Red Art Gallery 10 July 2002 Santiago Chile Matthei-Chocolat et SensualitGalera Matthei 2003. Santiago Chile-White and black Matthei Galera March 6, 2001. Santiago Chile-Ester Armstrom October 22, 1998 Corporacion Cultural de Providencia Santiago Chile. -Matas Movillo Galera March 2000 Isabel Aninat. Santiago Chile. Faculty Development-University of Architecture and Design 2003 Santiago and Concepcion. Vera-Munoz and Realistic Perspectives Five Point Meeting, Madrid September 14, 2000. Spain. -DAO, Daniel Aguirre Il Pitore, Marieschi Galleria Milano Italy 2004. Works-National Library-style decor-art architecture design and culture. No. 6 year 2001 p. 9 and p. 17. Santiago de Chile. Art-Journal in January 2004 to limit p. 67. Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine October 2003 (Tabancura College mural project) page 10, Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine September 2003 (The composition in the Plastic Arts) page 12 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine August 2003 (Virtue absent and present in art) p. 16 Santiago de Chile. Prima Materia-Magazine June 2003 (The importance of the topic in the compposicin) page 14 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine May 2003 (Essentials contained in art) p. 12 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine April 2003 (Freedom and responsibility of art) p. 14 Santiago de Chile. - Materia Prima Magazine February 2003 (The meeting of artistic personality right) page 16Santiago of Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine October 2002 (Artsta and Talent) p. 16 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine September 2002 (Essential Attributes in the Plastic Arts) page 14 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine August 2002 (some differences of degree in Plastic Arts) page 12 Santiago de Chile. Prima Materia-Magazine June 2002 (The Criticism in Art) page 10 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine May 2002 (Development of creativity) page 8 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine April 2002 (creation's moral Development) page 10 Santiago de Chile. Materia Prima Magazine February 2002 (Oil a technique that captures) page 10 Santiago Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine December 2001 (Requirements for Apreciacin) page 16 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine October 2001 (Requirements for creation) page 16 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine September 2001 (The apreciacin as basic necessities) page 26 Santiago de Chile. "Materia Prima Magazine August 2001 (Ques Creation) page 16 Santiago de Chile. Prima Materia-Magazine June 2001 (Ques Arts) page 12 Santiago de Chile. DAILY-La Tribuna de Los Angeles Monday July 15, 1991 page 11. La Tribuna de Los Angeles Wednesdays July 17, 1991 cover-Diario La Epoca "Culture" Thursday August 8, 1991 The Spanish portraitist present a retrospective "Santiago de Chile." The Journal of Chilean-American Chambered of Commerce "Meeting the President Bush" december 1990 page 25. "The Journal of Chilean-American Chambered of Commerce" from President Bush "march 1991 page 25." Suncoast News june 28 1984 Pinellas Counties Florida USA. "El Mercurio" Social Life "Saturday December 8, 2001 Santiago Chile. -Miami Herald Friday October 23, 1987 page 11 Miami USA. -The Chronicle of Higher Education September 27 1989. New York City USA. -Diario El Mercurio February 4, 1990 Prometheus, Santiago de Chile. - The Mercury Sunday February 18, 1990 "The pyramids specifically possibility" Santiago de Chile. South-Concepcin Journal August 10, 1991 News Cultural Soria's drawings are displayed in Conception "6 newsroom. Concepcion Chile. South-Concepcin Journal July 15, 1991 "Cultural News" 6 newsroom. Concepcion Chile. South-Concepcin Journal August 18, 1991 "Art and Culture" Martn Soria and his desire for unity. Concepcion Chile. -The Orlando Museumof at Loch Haven Art Annual Juried Exhibition USA 1987. Decor-Housing and Mercury February 16, 1991 "In search multiplicity." Page 2 and 3. Santiago Chile. -Diario El Mercurio, Sunday February 25, 2001, p. E15 Santiago de Chile. -Invitation of Paola Vidal 1997 Santiago de Chile. "The Art Criticism Mercury Sunday July 30, 2000. Santiago Chile. Second Wednesdays-Journal September 27, 2000 page 39 "Desktop." By Jos Mara Palacios. Santiago de Chile. -El Mercurio Monday March 5, 2001 C11 Pag Cultural Activity "In black and white" Santiago de Chile. -Florida Sentinel july Florida USA in October 1984. Latest News Tuesday, September 15, 1998 page 41 "Exhibition of six Chilean and Spanish in Mendoza" Santiago de Chile. Second Wednesdays-Journal April 29, 1998 "Grow the art market: four new galleries TO REACH the national scene" by Paola Sotomayor Santiago de Chile. "Diario Los Andes in Argentina Tuesday September 8, 1998" Commemorating the 188 Anniversary of the Independence of Chile. Trasandinos plastic artist in the Museum of Modern Art Argentina. "Diario Los Andes in Argentina Tuesday September 8, 1998-Open the sample" encounters "at the Museum of Modern Art in Argentina. "The Mercury Sunday, February 25 de2001 page E15" Art Notes "Santiago de Chile. -El Mercurio Saturday March 17, 2001 pag National C.7, Santiago de Chile. -El Mercurio Monday March 12, 2001 page A7 social life. Santiago Chile. -Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture Inc. "Auction" Miami Florida USA. -The Miami Herald April 24, 1987 page 11. Miami Florida USA. -The Journal March 1991 p. 25 "From President Bush" Santiago de Chile. -Home Capo book of Jesus "El Caon Award Cceres 1989. Spain. QuPasa year-Journal XXV No. 1337 November 23, 1996. People page, 114, Santiago de Chile .. -El Mercurio December 8, 2001 Social life pag A 14 Santiago Chile. World-Times Arts & Culture page A8 Santiago de Chile. "The Mercury Thursday 29 November 2001" Culture "Santiago de Chile-La Voz Hispana Thursday March 14, 1985, p. 15 Florida USA. -Ministry of Foreign Direct relaces Peral de Relações economically Internacioais 25 Junho Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil 1996.

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