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Naciel January 11, 1989 in Tlalnepantla, Mexico State, his father Ascension Mr. Gonzalez and Ms. Patricia J. Martinez are responsible for this magnificent creation to the Street Art, from 5 or 6 years Ragde demostrsu interest in art as demonstrated by studies in the% u201Cknder Guadalupano% u201D (Edo, Mex.), after entering primary school Filiberto% u201CCoronel Das% u201C Gomes on getting good grades presented for 3...

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Naciel January 11, 1989 in Tlalnepantla, Mexico State, his father Ascension Mr. Gonzalez and Ms. Patricia J. Martinez are responsible for this magnificent creation to the Street Art, from 5 or 6 years Ragde demostrsu interest in art as demonstrated by studies in the% u201Cknder Guadalupano% u201D (Edo, Mex.), after entering primary school Filiberto% u201CCoronel Das% u201C Gomes on getting good grades presented for 3 consecutive years diploma at 1 place with an average rating of 9.8, the reach 6 decidiingresar-secondary degree No.48% u201CSor Technique. Juana Ins cross% u201D in which his average was not the most expected but managed to enter the workshop computacin one of the most requested and which emphasized much in the design of p web pages (because decidiestudiar his own career in graphic design which did not last long because of the schedule in disgust rather than continue studying graphic design study is decidipor technician career in Settings on computer systems and certificate of intermediate level English, which salisatisfactoria mind graduated with honors) after the last or from the secondary was detected diskettes copying homework to students reviving a monetary reward for such work. when you leave school is encontrmas Ragde qulisto to go to the next level German high school in Vallejo u201CCarlos CECYTA 10% % u201D Marquez's career in telecommunications technician at this stage of his life was associated with a large number of talented individuals from many experts computacin FIELDS, extreme athletes, thugs, senior officials , scientists, and even professional musicians, this change hiso opininy to take a year and a half of studies finds qula engineering polytechnic is not for him and decides to let a or more in parks envolvindose the Street Art and asque leaves school and begins to create its first Estncils Arts and stickers, which hiso most popular urban artists of its time, AFTER a year of rest decides to go back to the classroom and on this occasion comes to the Universidad del Valle de Mexico% Hispanic% u201D u201Ccampus where he meets the hull and other urban artists qutambin Harry stikers stick and are very good friends% u2026. Well the rest of this biography is still writing Currently% u2026.

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