Born in Madrid in 1942. He studied drawing and engraving Manuel Castro Gil in the Mint. In 1960 he joined the School of Fine Artes.De 1968 to 1974 working with other artists in the Computer Centre of the University of Madrid in the seminars on "Automatic Pattern Generation Plastic." In 1970 in collaboration with Luis de Pablo, plastic-acoustic performances, "Soledad Interrupted" premiered in Buenos Aires, in the same collaboration is the movie "Natural History" produced by Elias Querejeta in 1972. Organizers also with Luis de Pablo's "Close Encounters of Pamplona" in 1972. In 1978 designed the first edition of the Constitution Espaola for Editora Nacional. In 1998 retrospective exhibition presents you "Percursum" compiles the work done since 1965, and curated by Blanca Sanchez and Javier Ruiz is presented at the Centre d'Art Santa Monica in Barcelona and later at the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid. In 2000, galleries Bat Bach Quatre Madrid and Barcelona have the "Suite Syria" which comprises the work done since 1998 by several countries in East Medium.