Home > Artworks > Jacqueline Klein Texier

Photo of Jacqueline Klein Texier Spain

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- Member of the International Federation of plastic artist, Barcelona, ??Spain. - Cultural Patrons in the dissemination of the plastic arts and literature at the Casa Museo Javier de la Rosa, Gran Canaria, Spain. - Work on Time in Artitude Galerie, Le Village Suisse, Paris, France. - Work on Time in the International Federation of plastic artist (ACEAS), Barcelona, ??Spain. - Work in Aires Museum Stay in Cordoba, Spain. -...

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- Member of the International Federation of plastic artist, Barcelona, ??Spain. - Cultural Patrons in the dissemination of the plastic arts and literature at the Casa Museo Javier de la Rosa, Gran Canaria, Spain. - Work on Time in Artitude Galerie, Le Village Suisse, Paris, France. - Work on Time in the International Federation of plastic artist (ACEAS), Barcelona, ??Spain. - Work in Aires Museum Stay in Cordoba, Spain. - Work to Stay in Galley Lann Marino Santamaría, Banners Project Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Work on Time in ASDP Gallery - Buenos Aires, Argentina. Have his works: - Private Collections of Argentina and Andalusia, Spain. - Francisco Gutierrez Mesa Private Collection, Spain. - Mr. Romuald Censier Private Collection, France - Private Collection Lorriaux Jean-Pierre, France. - Private Collection of the Sculptor, Maestro Eduardo Calandria, Argentina - Patron of the Alliance Française Cultural Headquarters, Paris, France. - Patron Aires Cultural Museum of Cordoba, Spain. "Cultural Patron of the University of Business and Social Sciences UCES, Argentina - Cultural Arts Patron Solidario, B` nai B `Argentina. - Cultural Patron of the Museum of Contemporary Art from Guadalajara, Mexico, 2004. - Self-taught in Literary expression 2002, published a book of poems entitled When The Suffering taught languages ??to be happy. - Participate as a poet in the Book of Poetry 2004 by Francisco Arroyo Ceballos-published in the city of Cordoba, Spain. Individual and Group Exhibitions: 2006 - Living Art - Art Gallery - "Almas del Arte" - Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Mar del Plata, outlined in the draft www.arteyestilos.net - Argentina. - Liberate, Bodegal Cultural - (Jazz, Tango & Painting) - Buenos Aires, Argentina. - CafHomero (Cultural Inters Declared by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires) - Tango & Painting - Buenos Aires, Argentina. - UCES 2006 - International Exhibition, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - UFLO 2006 - Jazz & Painting, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2005 - Individual Exhibition UCES, The Man, the human condition. - IV International Group Show in Fine Arts Association stimuli. - V International Exhibition on UCES - University of Business Studies and Social Sciences. - FAIM - International Fair of Madrid Independent Artists, sponsored by the Association Aires de Cordoba, Spain. - Miss Arteta Galerie, Paris, France. Artist Stay in 2005 2004 - 2 Award painting - International Plastic Arts Competition Aires Cordoba, Spain. - Mention - painting - Awarded in the Framework of 2004 in Barcelona Frum ACEAS - 1 Painting Prize - International Federation of plastic artist from Barcelona, ??Spain (ACEAS) - 1 Prize at the UN Palace in the framework of the International Year of Water, Geneva, Switzerland. - 1 Prize - painting - granted by the Union of Experts of Art in Rome. - 1 plastic prize in the America of France. - 1 Painting Prize - the Free Artists Society of St. Petersburg, Russia. - Award Accesit at Sala Aires Cordoba, Spain. - Selected Artist, Outstanding and Honorable Mentions of the Jury, Galera Nations in 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 2 Painting Prize - International Plastic Arts Competition Aires de Cordoba, Spain. - Selected Artist at the First International Contemporary Art Fair, Guadalajara, Mexico. - Exhibition of Paintings Choosing for Life Society of Artists plastic Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, together with the painter and psychoanalyst Dr. JosCukier. - Hotel Elevage, Selected for Competition Passion of Tango, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - I International Art Show held at the World Space "from the plastic." - Individual Show Tango Argentino, Galerie Artitude, Village Suisse, Paris, France. - Collective exhibition in Sel, Korea. - ASDP - Collective exhibition Galera ASDP - Buenos Aires. - Participate as a poet in the Book of Poetry 2004 by Francisco Arroyo Ceballos published in the city of Cordoba, Spain. 2003 - Individual Exhibition Tango Argentino, Galerie Artitude, Village Suisse, Paris, France. - Light the Night, Buenos Aires Tango in Liberarte, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Cultural Center Artists, Feelings of the Spirit of Kamasutra Buenos Aires, La Boca - International Exhibition of Contemporary Art Diversity, Paris, France. - Centoira Galera, Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires. - Galera Torremolinos. Tribute to the International Day of Women, Shopping Spinetto, Buenos Aires. - Centoira-Galera, Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Kernel of Art - Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Exhibition of Arts, Studio Rich, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 2 Format: Little Salon, Paris, France. 2002 - Tribute to psychoanalysis Lanin Galera, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Café-Bar La Candela, presentation of the Book of Poems by the author entitled When Suffering taught languages ??to be Happy, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Show Seven, Galera Lann, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Collective exhibition of the School of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano, in honor of Leopoldo Marechal, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Banners Project, directed by the Master Santa Mara Marino at Teatro General San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Painting Banners, Campus Universidad de Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires Prov. 1999 - `99 Meeting Art, Landscapes - illustration of the author entitled" Poems of Suffering When taught languages ??to be Happy Buenos Aires, Argentina. Artistic studies: - 2003 to 2006 disciples in the field of Aesthetics of Professor Juan Attorney Jorge Ral. - 2003 - Teaching Fine Arts. Escuela de Bellas Artes Manuel Belgrano. - 2001 - Portrait Study with initial collaboration of Jorge R. John and the teacher and plastic artist, Juan Orrellana, - 2001 - Development of Creativity Seminar taught by Professor. and plastic artist, Jorge Waku, Professor Mara Ventosa and the special collaboration of Professor, and writer, Gisela Roitman. - 1999 - Workshop paint and plastic artist Professor Dora Ramos.

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