Photo of ANA MARIA VARELA Uruguay

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Ana Mara Varela was born in Montevideo June 21, 1967 in Casa de Cultura Cursestudios: Workshop on graphic design, from 1986 to 1990. Later, current literature workshop (place) between the years 1996 to 2000, with Prof. Walter Ortiz de Ayala. June 2000: involved in short story competition organized by AEBU, this being their first incursion into style stories, titled the same PAR WHEN THE CLOCK has exhibited in Spain...

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Ana Mara Varela was born in Montevideo June 21, 1967 in Casa de Cultura Cursestudios: Workshop on graphic design, from 1986 to 1990. Later, current literature workshop (place) between the years 1996 to 2000, with Prof. Walter Ortiz de Ayala. June 2000: involved in short story competition organized by AEBU, this being their first incursion into style stories, titled the same PAR WHEN THE CLOCK has exhibited in Spain (Barcelona) 1992 years through 1994. Ms later in Brazil, to or from 1994 to 1996. * An important step in this time she was his contact with Carlos Paez Vilarcon which, compartisus final sketches in the design of the plane of Pluna. His last exhibition was in the High Blade Balnerario being for her the most satisfaction of having succeeded at last in his beloved pasms allde their achievement abroad. He continues to develop both artistic activities in his atelier in his home in the Prado. PD: No I think he can be thinking outside, it's like being oblivious to what really concerned.

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