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Photo of Luz Clemencia Arenas Del Pino Colombia

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CLEMENCY LIGHT SAND PINE An artistic life in the service of Santander autobiographer CLEMENCY LIGHT SAND PINE An artistic life in the service of Santander INDEX submission. .................................................. Introduction ...................... ........................ 5 .................................................. .... 7 CHAPTER I The names Arenas del Pino .........................................

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CLEMENCY LIGHT SAND PINE An artistic life in the service of Santander autobiographer CLEMENCY LIGHT SAND PINE An artistic life in the service of Santander INDEX submission. .................................................. Introduction ...................... ........................ 5 .................................................. .... 7 CHAPTER I The names Arenas del Pino ...................................... ........ .................................... 9 Niez and Youth .............................. 11 ............... Studies and early activities ............................ 12 CHAPTER II Early Studies in Art ............... Art Studies ..................................... 13 in Bogota ...... .......................................... 16 Statements ...... .................................................. ............... 19 CHAPTER III Back Bucaramanga ................................................. 25 Dicas Directorate of Culture in Santander artistic studies in Europe ......... ....................... 27 ...................................... 28 House of Culture and Museum Custodio Garcia Rovira. .......... 29 CHAPTER IV Travel to Venezuela .................................. Back to Bucaramanga .............................. ................ 31 ....................................... Cultural charges ................................................ .................. Acknowledgments ................................................. ................. PRESENTATION I dedicate this book to my deceased parents and Gilbert Arenas Myriam Galvis and my mother Ordez del Pino, who were the ones who pushed me with all his support and admiration of my profession to take life as art, to Fabio Torres Barrera my husband and especially as a legacy of blood Amadora son Gilberto Torres Fabian Arenas. Light Clemencia Arenas del Pino INTRODUCTION passions, emotions are overflowing the engine that drives the soul of the artists to reach the production that immortalized in any field of art has to be a driving force to drive the ideas and feelings nature of the force generating the work sersu producciny moverdesde reality according to the abstract question of unspeakable events and we confess or different styles impressionism, expressionism, figurative, SUBRREALISMO, abstractions AND PROTEST and all the feelings that human beings are capable. Expressed as a conscious or subconscious under the shade of totally abstract. Luz Clemencia name is already known in the fields of art, its radius of action in the paint covers with intaglio techniques of pencil, ink wash with watercolor, pastels, read and acrylics, over the years have witnessed the abundant labor This artist obviously constantly being produced every day with more solvent and secure Luz Clemencia themed emphasizes the human figure and some sensual still life still lifes, his themes have been constant figurative century art XX. Many artists like her have made the most varied interpretations of the past implying that all art is influenced by other plasma long sometimes the female figure of the same family or herself, looking inside. Inmviles are characters in attitudes has been waiting as if someone or something were to come out of their silence to place in a world full of violence and failure. Highlight your investigative spirit that enables you to approach different issues some trivial and has openly experiment with various techniques, their strokes are long and continuous movement or not to stop without going all the lengths of their creations, story to their pencil is a luxury of amazing subtlety and features of the human figures are of extraordinary delicacy, almost erotic sensuality also expressed in the themed nature of his still lifes with dead are prevalent chromatic circle ranges. Its color is accurate, bright, Fresno, soft and subtle, but color is not the most important thing in light of the work but its fine line CLEMENCY flexible graceful and delicate, the ties between the artist and his work is easy to reflect to the untrained eye that the lines are high significacin determinants. VIRGINIA CHAPTER I NEMETH Surnames Niez Arenas del Pino and Youth Studies and Early Activities Surnames Races Arenas del Pino Arenas The family comes from Spain to Colombia in the year 1721 and made his settlement in Piedecuesta with Don Francisco Arenas and Maria Doa Oses and Arias of Toledo. My Great Grandfather Mark Arenas Uribe, doctor graduated in Europe ejercisu medicine in the city of Bucaramanga in late 1800 and in the first 40 years in 1900. On January 22, 1904 by decree No. 11 in the head Gobernacin Dr. Carlos Matamoros appointed as medical officer Dr. Mark Arenas Uribe. The figure of Dr. Sands was interesting aspects: amateur study and reading, the library was better than the Department, in addition holds-farmacolgico chemistry lab, office, photographic and Graphic arts workshop. Santander in the exhibition was completed in 1887 discernidiploma 1st class and prize money for his photographic work and for several chemical products and their invencin pharmacists, mainly for its antimicrobial syrup The great purifier of the blood, was a member of several societies of scientists and science and industrial arts of Belgium, the photography of chemistry Turny of Bohemia. * 1, for antimicrobial syrup, Ministry of Health of the little condecorcon the gold medal. His son Roberto Arenas Ibez remarried with doa Emilia Serrano Galvis, my grandparents, my grandfather was a pharmacist chemistry, well known and respected, who was the founder and owner of American Pharmacy, which manufactured the drug and was sought after the great purifier of the blood l patent. His only son was my father Gilbert Arenas Galvis, 1924-197. University studies conducted in economics in the city of Bogot, dedicated his life to the service from Bucaramanga, Santander coming to occupy the seats of Councilman Bucaramanga, Member of the Assembly of Santander, Mayor (e) of Bucaramanga for more 8 months, Secretary of the Treasury, Sub-Controller of the Department and before he died at 49 years was the Secretary General and Head of Public Relations of the Gobernacin of Santander. By my mother, my great grandfather Engineer Quiterio del Pino, llegprocedente Npoles province in Italy, for advance the construction of a bridge, north of Santander, in the municipality of Ocaña, casndose Señoritas later with Carmen Sanchez, with which pipe (4) four children, Adrian (my grandfather) who settled in Sardinata and Gramalote NS. , As a farmer and where he devoted himself to the planting of coffee, the ganaderay trade, owning a warehouse of products imported from Europe in Ccut, Cipriano, Leonor married to Dr. Koop, from Germany, who settled in Venezuela and Digene, poet and writer settled in Barranquilla quin. My grandfather's Cascon Señoritas Ordez Santander Laura Valderrama, who works at home, had 8 children, Adrian, Mary, George, 1930-2005 Ordez pine Myriam (my mother), Albert Herman , White and Edgar. As good a descendant of Spanish and Italian mother had a beautiful soprano voice and a disposal for the design of fashion and haute couture. My parents had four (4) children, Erwin Gerardo (lawyer) Myriam Elsa, (married based in Bogota), and Laura Clemencia Luz Marcela Fernanda (married and based in Pasto, Nario) of them were able to enjoy the 7 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Niez and youth in the city of Bucaramanga at 7 am this morning in the house owned by his parents of the race 20 between 33 and 34, 52 years ago the day April 10, was born an ISTC parents who they named Luz Clemencia Arenas del Pino. Before their first year and by a gift from his paternal grandfather, Dr. Roberto Arenas Ibez, moved to the country residence of Sotomayor, race 29 No. 42-39, in that sector had only little about five fifths, where residhasta the day of my marriage, 24 March 1984 year. Studies and Activities Forward First my primary school of the Sisters of the Submission of Bucaramanga, and then study the high school private school in Bogota Cardinal Paccelli; per year next return to my older sister to school in Bucaramanga Tertiary Dominican sisters in Lagos de Cacique, where a year to make room for opposing sabtico nuns of the congregation my candidacy to the reign of TUI at the end of aoa the age of 15 years and the year following that of Señoritas Santander, during that year I devoted myself to study Fine Arts at the Institute of Culture Santandereano, drawing with Preda master Rafael Ardila, and the other great masters of Santander different subjects, in that same year from public relations work of two great companies Santander, as were Trefilco and Insac Ltda. After that year to resume my studies in the city where I gradude Ccut Bachiller. Photographer works in the author's computer installation of his work and his portrait name: between the real and the fantastic 2005 CHAPTER II Early Studies in Art Studies Art Exhibition First Bogot Returns Bucaramanga studies in art and insinuating of my mother who had see the facility for drawing and painting since my childhood, my gift that God gave me and which I did at school painting gala my companions, in notebooks and on the boards without fatigue, split the city of Bogota in the year of 1969 until December 1972 to further studies in the most famous and important Art Teacher Workshop DAVID Francs MANZUR and classes in electronic Language Institute for more than 2 years, what I did workshops in several universities in Bogoty adelantestudios in History of Art with the renowned critic and historian International Art Pepe Gómez Sicre, who held the post of Director Cultural Pan American Union Organization of American States OAS in Washington, and where also present a pictorial displays, by express invitation of its Director, in the exhibition hall of this organization, in the year 1997. With David Manzur had a unique and wonderful opportunity to take classes daily and directly from l, for more than four years, also recibtalleres free and conferences at the Universities of La Tadeo Lozano, Los Andes and La Nacional , David worried that we will receive a comprehensive education support classes in art history, who we Dictate famous art critic and director of the Pan American Union of the OAS in Washington, Historian Pepe Gómez Sicre, who traveled to Bogota many opportunities in this area also recibclases with Manzur and teacher Enrique Grau. From what little from 1969 to 1972 was very important in the National scope everything related to art, the cultural movement in Bogotera allrealice very important and my first professional jobs, participating in the XXIII Salon National Artist, 1972-1973, 46 artists were selected from Colombia and also where I was selected, the more than 450 people across the country, with a drawing on a technique Alpizar intaglio and mixed with large-format catalog in the magazine featuring RUBIANO GERMAN KNIGHT, and then publicel Colombian Institute of Culture in relationship with my style is transcribed the following comment: ART geometrical This group uses a particular expression, strictly plastic, no formal references to the natural world. Its direct antecedents are in Russian Constructivism, the movement of Sijl Dutchman and the Bauhaus Find it pragmticas German, all movements prior to 1945. The geometric abstraction, concepts used plastic-rhythm, movement, tension, balance, and manage formal elements purged of all emotional content, or anecdotal reference. Line, shape, or color and volume are due to a geometry based on an intellectual type ordenacin. Estn asmismos devoid of different meanings: are meanings and significant at a time. The artist organizes evidence of a rational construction that does not acknowledge the distinctive mark of physical work on the subject. Often uses new techniques based on the utilization of industrial materials. Among those who accompany me we were selected as important as artist Olga de Amaral, Antonio JosCaro, Clemencia Lucena, Maria De La Paz Jaramillo, Juan Anton Roda, Flix Angel, Juan Cardenas, Santiago C Cárdenas, Teresa Cuellar, Edgar Negret, Carlos Rojas, Luis Alberto Acua etc. SENSATION IN BLACK AND WHITE STUDIES Bucaramanga School Fine Arts Department 1968 David Manzur School Fine Arts School Bogot Stockholm Sweden Konstfakola Fine Arts Art History Art Critic, Pan American Union PEPE SICRE Gmez Washington School of Visual Arts Secretariat Ceramic Sculpture Engraving Culture Produccin Maracaibo Venezuela of Television RCTV. Maracaibo Venezuela Venevisin Enrique Grau Art History Workshop Marketing David Manzur Bogota Bucaramanga 2001 Future computer science Bsic Sena Sena 2002 Gestin Bucaramanga Bucaramanga Sena Project 2002 the 1st Day Microentrepreneurs-Cultural Work 2003 Honorary EAFYS 30 years of artistic and cultural experience-Bucaramanga 2004 Fine Arts Technician EAFYS-Bucaramanga 2004 GRADUATES Diploma in curadura and art critic Asduela assCura EAFYS 2005 Diploma in Cultural Gestin-University-Corposides 2005 RUMINATIONS Art has to do with feelings, emotions that arise before reaching the brain, I believe that art is a practice and policy in that sense a conscious practice of freedom. Art brings a spiritual reality and gives us a new chance at life, the artists we are called to convey a thought, plasmndolo of reality in which we live and current events that leaves the man in its historical moment. FOTO GREGORIO 14 Artists-Sala Vzquez-June 1975 National Library organized by the Colombian Institute of Culture Commentary The Colombian Institute of Culture has been considered of vital importance to the visual arts of our country to disseminate the new values, whose presence augurs sound historical continuity. The effect is selected in the novsima promotion, a 14-14 artists whose first steps denote a seriousness in the treatment of plastic material and spare presentation on their ideas and conceptions. Of the 14 artists that are of great vitality. Note, a great predilection for drawing, as a kind of expression and a tool for search. The works are of a long, thin elaboration, where lights and shadows dimly happen. It is notable social and human commitment, which leads them to raise ideological dilemmas, without altering its aesthetic propositions, afianzndose in the contemporary historical situation. Sebastián Romero EXHIBITIONS XIII Hall of National Artists Salon Artists 1972-1973 Selected Santander Bucaramanga 1973 Pan American International Unicomio Galera club Exposure Cali Bogota 1973 1974 Galera Galera Chapel of Our Lady of Dolores. Bucaramanga Showroom 1974 First National City Bank. Bucaramanga 1974 Professional Club Santander Bucaramanga 1974 XXV National Salon of Visual Arts Room 1974 Bogot Gregorio Ceballos Vsquez and Galley 1975 70 Marlene Bogot Bogot-December Hoffman 1976 Showroom Bucaramanga Chamber of Commerce Regional Salon of Artists (Selected) Bucaramanga 1976 XXVI National Salon of Artists (Selected) National Museum Bogota 1976 Two Worlds of Art Galley 1976 Bogot Galer Galera 1977 Plum Bogot Bogot The Imaginary Galera La Colonia Bogota 1977 1978 Showroom Perde la Croix Casa Luis Bucaramanga 1979 Art Gallery Beer-House Bucaramanga 1979 Exhibition Hall Cultural Casa da Custodio Garcia Rovira Bucaramanga 1980 XXVIII National Salon of Artists (Selected) 1980 Bogot Military Club Exhibition Hall 1982 1st meeting Bogota Santander House Painters Culture Custodio Garcia Rovira Bucaramanga 1982 Exhibition Hall Art Galley Two Worlds Bogot 1983 IV Regional Salon of Visual Arts in the Northeastern Area of ??Honor Mention Casa de la Cultura, Pamplona N. Santander October 25, 1984 1st Biennial of Visual Art, Maracaibo City Exhibition Hall of the Secretariat of Culture November 11, 1984 Venezuela Maracaibo Latin American Artists Collective Art Gallery Pen-CC Costa Verde Maracaibo Venezuela 1986 Exhibition Hall of the Culture House 1990 Puerto Ayacucho Venezuela Amazonas State Artist Hall of the 2nd 1993 House of Culture of Puerto Carreo Vichada - the 1st Colombia Colombian Artists Exhibition 1994 Consulate General of Colombia Puerto Ayacucho Venezuela Amazonas State CC Collective exhibition. Floridablanca Santander Caaveral Collective exhibition 1999 -2001 Living Walls Art Gallery CC. Caaveral-Floridablanca Departmental-2005 Plastic Arts of Santander, Bucaramanga Gobernacin 2nd Prize Painting Colombo-French Alliance Exhibition 1968 Bucaramanga internet portal Luz_clemenciarenas@yahoo.com www.artistactivo.com-2005 photos Back to CHAPTER III Bucaramanga Directorate of Culture artistic Dicas de Santander Studies in Europe Museo Casa de Cultura and Custodio Garcia Rovira Back to Work Bodegnalpiz Bucaramanga and Photo-intaglio-Technique Joint Comments on his works Vanguardia Liberal 1979 The Drawing Luz Clemencia, the purity of the work almost always characterized by the human figure, shows the degree of perfection in figurative drawing with geometric expression and cleaning of the work part of the illusion of the line produced by the target of its folds, to the pure line, even the gray shadows, a treatment that requires the mastery of the pencil and a clean overall total. His figures emerge from an unreal world produced by the imagination of the author's lack of restrictions, but being at heart a custom message, the product of a bourgeois society that wants to hide an unhappy and complicated inner world and often empty , devoid of ideals, having an outward appearance purified with fashion and social patterns translated by external cleaning of their customs. Nameless. Luz Clemencia Arenas recorded the cardboard, which interprets the sense of transience of the modern world. It is no longer stone, wood or metals that give the feeling of permanence. Novsima In this expression of art is likely to reach much success. Nemeth-1979 Virginia Photos Bogotpor Bean remained in four years learning all art techniques by Manzur and led a very active cultural life, where victories were harvested and achieving goals, my close friends were writers and poets such as Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda, Luis Fayad, other artists such as Omar Rayo, Rafael Penagos, Jean Carlos Giangrandi, Alberto Nuo, Patricia Tavera, Marlene Troll Mazuera Diego, Gustavo Zalamea, Doris Angel, Libya Tenorio, teacher etc Armando Villegas. or Theatre, Jorge Ali Triana, the fat Carlos Benjumea, Luis Eduardo Arango, Carlos Barbosa, Waldo Urrego etc, as Toto the Monposina omsicos and photographers as Nereus, do many exhibitions and attend the majority of major galleries and museums, allexponan their works, teachers of international renown, including teachers: Cruz Dies, Matta, Giacomety, Gngora, Picazo with erotic graphic works, Negret, Soto etc. . Photo Exhibition Directorate of Culture artistic Dicas De Santander Bucaramanga by things back to the destination, since my father died the year of 1973 and my intention was to return to Bogoty open a gallery of Latin American Art Gala to be called, as the wife of Dal. And then from France to devote myself entirely to art. But the offer made by former Senator of the Republic Dr. Daro Marin Venegas and The Lord Governor Dr. Jaime Novoa Trillos freshly created the post of Director General of the Directorate of Cultural Art stica de Santander DICAS that replaced the renowned Institute of Culture Santandereano Insac and grief of my mother convinced me to stay. Asque in January 1973, freshly graduated from my studies in art, I took on the culture of our department for 6 years. Initially I finished encontrcon an institution and unemployed teachers because their salaries were very poor and were not even within the Department escalafn. I got to renew Asque everything from talking to each career teachers Departmental School, as it were, the Conservatory of Music Department, College of Fine Arts, Theatre and Ballet and Dance. School of Plastic Arts in the absence of teachers in contemporary art gave me the task of curadura among young artists who were most prominent and thoughtful at the time and his talent promet an pedque lot and it showed me their work and according to them, choose the best ones to teach at the Dicas, they were not professionals because in Bucaramanga there any power in that little gear plastic, in Bogothaba three as race technique, that of the highly regarded National, the Andes, where a movement was brewing over the left and the protest and the m Tadeo Lozano s traditional horse racing had already arrived and Nadaism to Colombia, art was revolutionary and very contemporary, Martha Lock, beans made with his criticism revolutionary and powerful make the most important artists of our PASY little bean I had the privilege of studying with one of them. Asfue as preserved in the institution to conduct the classes, teachers, older and more important that Habanos studied in Europe and was the master Rafael Prada Ardila, Master Miguel A. Zarate, Carlos Prada etc. and the new generation escogpara Carreo Ruben, Jorge Mantilla Caballero, maximum Florez, Cesar Chaparro and others in the six years proved to be the best of times, Ascom also what were Carlos Eduardo Serrano and Orlando Morales, Santos Pico, Esperanza Barroso etc which were first passed students and faculty take part under the direction of Virginia Nemeth as coordinator of Plastic Arts. To improve the school and bring the engraving Bucaramanga, sent to study this art to Bogota's National University and maximum Florez Cesar Chaparro and buy him a School Engraving machine and import from Germany all the materials. Also the lack of classes in Photography buy all the processing equipment and attire to Bucaramanga to give a workshop open, the photographer and teacher NEREO, recognized nationally and internationally. As Director of the school is linked Virginia Nemeth. The flowering of the school was in upcoming results, from which came the art of renowned figures such as Santander, teachers Jorge Mantilla Caballero, maximum Florez, Esperanza Barroso, Aurora Bueno, Raquel Ramirez, Carlos E . Serrano, Orlando Morales, Samuel Reyes of Floridablanca and others that escape me. As the Conservatory of Music Department, working with teachers as Director Leonardo Gómez Silva and Carlos Ardila Violn teachers in Piano teachers and teacher Sal Mamitza Olarte, Beatriz Vzquez Ardila and Lucila Palli Azuero, classical guitar professor Gustavo Rueda, as well as were given kind of trumpet, saxophone, bass, guitar, tiple, mandolin and slide guitar and the piano teacher sister Cecilia Pinzon acknowledged master musician and Jess Pinzon, also had the advice of renowned master pianist Harold National Martina, Ascom teoray music theory classes, the wage bill was luxury. To improve the conservatory dress imported from Germany three pianos and bought it Hacan instruments needed to conduct the classes, there were many concerts in Bucaramanga the most outstanding teachers and students as they were the daughters of Beatrice Vzquez Ardila. Also my custody Banda was the Department that leads it in that little master Alfonso Guerrero, with the teacher conservla tradition of band concerts in the parks and the presentation at all official acts. Luis A. folclrica school Bald Vlez was under my responsibility, this school was recognized nationally and as its international master director Luis F. Camacho Mateus, was a student of Folklore and preservy rescatsus instruments, costumes, songs and dances as Hacan from its historical beginnings in Santander. As Ballet's director of Casadiego Sonia Arias, was updated in all its metodologay is importbailarines abroad, seminars and workshops take the Bachelor ascom Ballet de Cali part of its methodology, Sonia was an excellent teacher and his students now belong to the best beat of ballet and contemporary dance in Europe. As for the theater at the time Bean encases crisis by students, but I brought to Bucaramanga the International Theatre Festival that only in Bogota, Cali Medellny presented for their costs, but with good effort and desire to have best in Bucaramanga presented the most famous compass in the world in different auditoriums of Bucaramanga, also periodically be traan companies such as the Fanny Mickey, House of Gordon, The TPB of Bogota, Teatro La Candelaria etc. Departmental Library was the most important and historic siguisindolo for his career and incunabula, its directors were recognized historians of the city as it was Ricardo Serpa Slopes and others that escape me and was in that low over the city, which was initiated under the drive and tenacity of Jorge Valderrama, whose achievement the edification visiny knowledge with funds from congressional appropriations Alcalday, was achieved for Bucaramanga the inauguration of the Municipal Public Library Gabriel Turbay, designed under his guide, and that as a writer and literary and having studied in France, brought to Bucaramanga the best in this field. Bucaramanga viviuna little of great cultural movement considered to be in one of the most important in Colombia, in those years we have people with very distinguished and prominent intellectuals in different fields such as governors, as they were, Trillos Jaime Novoa, Oscar Martinez Salazar, Rafael Prez Martnez, Gonzles Rafael Ortiz, Alberto Montoya Puyana and Alfonso Gómez Gómez, exist an art galleries and several banks Tenan their showrooms where samples had different artists on a regular basis, also the house was restored Luis Perde la Croix, who abrisus doors to art culture, the downtown area and not be declarHistrica permititumbar or builds. In the year 1978 with the collaboration of the sub-director of Ibarnegaray Sorzano Isabel wife of consul of Bolivia and with the Advice of teacher Harold Martina, organized to Santander After six years as Director Tips and wishing to place her at the forefront of visual art, hire Victor Martinez Villalba, who had just completed a degree in Film and Television Radio in London and Florence and Milan in Italy, to creat School of Radio and Television in Santander, considering that they were forming the regional channels in the country and wanted to get ahead in this schools lack of techniques in these areas. AFTER to have the budget and Venezuela importing the equipment will pass the concern to the Advisory Board, unfortunately Dr. Alfonso Gómez Gómez, who occupied the Gobernaciny his deputy Dr. Lucila Reyes D. Secretariat of Finance, did not see the importance of this, so I get discouraged and definitely the Dicas resolvretirarme and travel to USA for a few months to rest and learn. Back After six months in USA, I encontrcon the visit of teachers from the Conservatory of Music Department who were completely dissatisfied with the new director, sir. Trish, who is in fourth semester of law in the UNAB. I was asked to return to the ASO office and expressed in a letter to the Gobernacin, but in the end, not reached a agreement, as the lord governor of that time and newly appointed by the President, Dr. Rafael Moreno Pearanda, provided that such positions of Culture would make them his wife Lucila Lara Moreno and her pidihablara me But seeing that tell us to accept the request of teachers and asse express what the Lord Governor. Photo Tips and TRIP TO EUROPE photo exhibitions during the year 1978, an application to art school in the house of Culture in Stockholm in Sweden (Europe) l KONSFACKOLA and I agreed to advance a specialization artistic drawing, in order to advance the trip, peduna license for seven months to Gobernaciny trip in early December of that year and return in late July 1979. During my studies I had the opportunity to meet many artists in Stockholm, Helsinki, Russia and Germany. The experience was very interesting because I could see passes developed, conscious of their cultural identity and to give culture the importance and the Economic support it deserves the cultural and artistic workers. Conocsus also its history museums and architectural, and artistic heritage of Europe .. The artistic movement in this little work everything related to Pop Art, The Kinetic, Monumental Sculpture, Art Optical, The geometric, The Colash, callejejero Art, Experimental Art and other important trends in the world. The most significant and educator was l able to appreciate the masterpieces of great artists from different centuries in Italy in cities like Rome, Vatican Museum, Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Uffizi gallery ancient palace of the M Medici, in France, Paris Louvre Museum with his Mona Lisa, in England's National Gallery with Sor, ElVictoria & Albert Museum and its collection and Eypciaque China shows its Sarcfagos Pharaohs and Mummies, The living room of Stadbucherei library exhibitions in Germany Munster, National Museum in Helsinki and the exhibition allmismo Friends of Finnish Handicraft, where the designer of the last cristaleray collection of wooden furniture, are ms artists toiling, as was the Stockholm, Brussels, Switzerland, Australia and Spain where I could learn and enjoy the universal art, like the Museo del Prado, also in their castles, streets, buildings, Churches, could delight me the creative knowledge of its artists, recognizing its history and all the little vivid for them and who were our ancestors blood, which indgena mezclcon of the Latin America, giving it a new race his drive, history and knowledge. HOUSE OF CULTURE Photo CUSTODIO GARCIA ROVIRA In the year 1980, a year after my irrevocable resignation to the Directorate General of the Directorate of Culture in Santander and artistic AFTER spending some time in the United States, were restored under the direction of the architect Gonzalo Romero Mantilla, chapel of the pain and the House of Culture Custodio Garcia Rovira and was a member of its board The Lady Isabel Sorzano policy of Ibarnegaray, wife of honorary consul of Bolivia, who suggested I take the first rooms restored to a cultural and asacepte the challenge of opening an art gallery, in comparison to initially Susan Tarazona. During a year displayed works by renowned national and international artists and the best American artists taxed as Wilfredo Lam, Mata, Guayasamn, Soto, and Colombians as Oscar Naranjo de Caldas. New artists of Cali, Bogoty The Santandereano Mantilla Caballero who was at the height of his artistic work to a few years since it had won the prize Sur Mer in the principality of Monaco. The next year the chairman of the House Emma Luisa Mantilla Culture, he proposed to accept the Directorate of the institution which I did during the years 82, 83 to March 1984. Bean and restored the house in three quarters and I permitiseguir with cultural activity while spreading it to start the art workshops in the institution, the cultural movement the forefront seguaa Santander and we maintain a constant activity and very beneficial to the general public, developed the literary activities, including a tribute to our great writers as it was Pedro Gómez Valderrama for his work La Otra Raya Del Tigre as what is the Prada Cacua s academic historian and ascom our great poet and writer Ramiro Lagos. The Museum of Contemporary Art's collection abrisus doors donated by Governor Gonzalo Romero Mantilla Alberto Montoya Photo Puyana Act in the House of Culture Chapter IV Travel Venezuela Charges Back to Bucaramanga Travel to Venezuela Cultural Awards Photos The February 28, 1984 I retired to marry the businessman and politicians Fabio Torres Barrera, who know full campaign for president of Colombia, for Belisario Betancur Cuartas and who celebrate the presidential victory. A Fabio appointed him in January 1984 Belisario Deputy Consul in Maracaibo Venezuela, on March 24 of that year we were married in mime Bucaramanga in a religious ceremony at the Church of San Pedro Clavel and the marriage was celebrated in a beautiful setting on the outskirts of Floridablanca, departing for Margarita Island honeymoon and then to Maracaibo where we fix our residence. During our stay in Maracaibo and parallel to the work of the wives of the Consulate Consul of Colombia founded a social work for the benefit of all Colombians prisoners experience outside the rigors of exile, also abuse and indifference of his friends and compatriots. Adelantbamos Asque events and raised money with them hacamos life more pleasant. The Women's Prison and reforms endow the new tools, as was the purchase of the pews for the chapel and confessional, Ascom at the clinic, the kitchen was equipped with oversized ovens for their food was s fastest cooked and endow the dining room table and chairs. Comprun are also TV and a betamax issue for which they may marry and recreation. Allpermanecimos for (8y1 / 2) eight and a half years, thanks to the excellent work that was developed with the Colombians who requested the Ambassador Noem Sann, we recognize his work on behalf of all Colombians Frontier inhabited cities and Aledo. Later she was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs Noemcomo immediately Fabio proceeded to appoint initially as First Consul in Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela, bordering Colombia and Brazil YMS step forward as the Consulate General and geographically strategic points of the borders ms ample we have in my husband amounted comny General Consul of the Republic of Colombia. Allpermanecimos (2 y) two years and a half. Cultural life both in Maracaibo and Puerto Ayacucho was very enriching. Maracaibo, Venezuela's second city and the most rich for U.S. oil industry, I aportmucho in the cultural field, several exhibitions and aprovechpara present study major issues as it was emptied sculpture, ceramics artistic and screen printers. Join the Biennial Maracaibo very good criticisms and make two solo and several group. In Puerto Ayacucho interactucon indgena art aportotro I kind of knowledge. I exhibited my work individually in Consulate. We return back to Colombia in Bucaramanga life where habamos gone to (11) eleven years. Back to Bucaramanga CULTURAL SURVEY CHARGES Selected from 320 artists Al XXII National Salon of Visual Arts 1972 Bogot between 450 Artists Selected to Hall of National Artists XXV Bogot 1974 Selected from 650 artists at the XXVI National Arts Salon National Museum-visual Bogot-1976 Selected from 730 artists XXVII National Salon of Visual Arts National Museum Bogot1980 Selected from 230 artists at the Salon of Visual Arts Regional Chamber of Commerce 1982 Bucaramanga Selected and Mention of Honor IV Regional Salon of Visual Arts North East Zone, House of Culture Pamplona Norte de Santander 1984 Selected among 598 artists 1st Biennial of Visual Arts 1984 MARACAIBO, Venezuela Plate Recognition Amazonas State of Venezuela for its work as the wife of the Consul General of Colombia, Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela 1984 Honorary Medal as a tribute and recognition for the 30 years of fruitful life artistic-2004 _ UDI Bucaramanga Development Investigaciny University in May 2004. Tribute to his thirty years of artistic life-Documentary Flmico-City and Culture Program of the Municipal Institute of Culture Cultural TRO-East Television. 2004 television program about his work artistic Leisure living space Ministry of Culture 2004

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