Aqua Karla Aguilar, born San Josel December 13, 1972, the household consists of Don Walter and Doa Aqua Vera Zamora Ulloa Violeta Aguilar. Their education is done by primary school and secondary Catholic Activate the Bilingual School in San Judas Tadeo. Currently, he studies in Business Administration at the University of Costa Rica. Formmatrimonio with the Lord Cristian Salas Bermdez with quin procreate children AndrJosuSalas Aqua Mara Kristel. His interest in art Very Small despertdesde beside his grandfather, the painter Marco Aurelio Aguilar Mata, quin motivsiempre him to express through painting, music and art in general. Formally, inicisu artistic formation in the year 2001 in the Workshop Chepito Urea, located in the Museo Joaquin Garcia Monge, in the Cantner of Abandoned, with Professor Francisco Caravaca, who describes the exhibitor as follows: Aqua Karla Aguilar, is a painter of subjects national. The country house, the cafchorreado, the herdsman and his cart, ed amn the delicious water. His paintings are vibrant snapshots of a beautiful past, which masterfully executed with great style and naturally.