Home > Artworks > Laia Bedos Bonaterra

Photo of Laia Bedos Bonaterra Spain

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Blanes, 17/8/1975. 45538863-J c / Josep Serra n5 Mauri 17300 Blanes. tel. + 34 655318795 laia@bedosbonaterra.com Llicència in Fine Arts, Painting. Universitat de Barcelona, 1998. Suficincia Titol of research, Art i Pensament Doctorat, 2000. Exposicions individuos: 2006 Casa de Cultura Les Bernardes, Salt. (October) 2006 Work the slide. Catalan dtudes Centre, Paris. Senfila 2005. Sant dart Flix Gallery, Girona. 2005...

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Blanes, 17/8/1975. 45538863-J c / Josep Serra n5 Mauri 17300 Blanes. tel. + 34 655318795 laia@bedosbonaterra.com Llicència in Fine Arts, Painting. Universitat de Barcelona, 1998. Suficincia Titol of research, Art i Pensament Doctorat, 2000. Exposicions individuos: 2006 Casa de Cultura Les Bernardes, Salt. (October) 2006 Work the slide. Catalan dtudes Centre, Paris. Senfila 2005. Sant dart Flix Gallery, Girona. 2005 descaler, trepitja fort i jumps. Espai Dlia, Blanes. Espai 2004 dFoc (Carme Castell), Blanes. Passeig 2003 Civic Centre, La Seu dUrgell. 2001 Rita Blue, Barcelona 1998 instal.laciCol.legi dArquitectes exhibitions, Girona. 1997 Interior Gallery, Girona. Exposicions col.lectives: 2006 InnundArt Centre Cultural La Mercè, Girona. 2006 GIART Gallery, Girona. 2006 Biennial 4arta dArt of Girona, Casa de Cultura, Girona. 2005 Col.lectiva dHivern XII Galeria Safia, Barcelona. 2005 HipermercArt, La Sala Vinon, Barcelona. 2005 Supermercato dArt, Ibiza and Mallorca. Herraiz 2005 Art Gallery, Madrid. 2004 Col.lectiva dHivern XI, Galeria Safia, Barcelona. HipermercArt 2004, La Sala Vinon, Barcelona. 2004 Room Sant Domnech, La Seu dUrgell. 2003 HipermercArt, La Sala Vinon, Barcelona. Dneu dEsterri Cultural Centre 2002. 2000 Transart, Vic 1996 Mercat de lart, Girona. 1995 Mercat de lart, Girona. 1995, 9 +1, Municipal Hall Sant Gregori. Premis i altres: 2006 Selected for the Biennial 4arta dArt of Girona. 2005 1st Prize, Third Prize for painting of Pintors joves Menarini. Badalona 2005 Selected National Painting pel Premi Juan Ramon Masoliver. Montcada i Reixac. Acci-performance 2004 Crdula Teatre-Eduard msic Canimas, cuinera-Carme Spades, painter, Laia Beds, Banys rabs, Girona. Acci-performance 1996 Susanna amb Fernando. Virreina Metrnom room, Barcelona. Susanna Vdeocreaciamb 1996 Fernando, Room Metrnom, Barcelona. 1994 3rd prize Plstiques darts of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Plstiques darts 1993 1st Prize of the Government of Catalunya

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