Photo of Mario Cruz Mexico
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I interespor the drawing at 5 years of age. Bullfighters started drawing, I draw all the colors you see in a bullfight, especially the costumes. At 8 years experimentcon oil cakes, also with bullfighters. In the ten years I began to paint read but choose items were more traditional landscapes and portraits. I think sentque was a way of evolving into something more serious. During my adolescence drew bodies of naked women in...

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Photo of Mario Cruz Mexico

I interespor the drawing at 5 years of age. Bullfighters started drawing, I draw all the colors you see in a bullfight, especially the costumes. At 8 years experimentcon oil cakes, also with bullfighters. In the ten years I began to paint read but choose items were more traditional landscapes and portraits. I think sentque was a way of evolving into something more serious. During my adolescence drew bodies of naked women in sensual poses copied from magazines. These ones made with colored pencils or graphite, according to the photographer because HACA also collages. AFTER during one season did charcoal drawings and watercolor paintings. In this little logrcierto realism in my paintings and drawings. I began pursuing a career in medicine and ahadquirmuchos of the information that we use as a theme, or as the basis of an idea. Experimentcon other means and technicians. During the year 2004 realicuna series of tables that use geometric shapes to some extent but apparently they seem to inhabit landscapes orgnic also organic. Some of these tables are based on emotional experiences (five items and scar), and others in the observation of natural forms (From earth to heaven.) They all contain elements related to biochemistry, human anatomy and medicine. In this series appears an element in common: the blood, which accounts for my presence inside the box as a producer and essence of this. Some of these pictures were broken by an ex-girlfriend in an act of revenge. Therefore named this series: Scars. Those who leave the fate and reality. In 2005 and 2006 realicdibujos (From inside behind bars) with marker pens, correction liquid 'graphite on tracing paper that interested me the translucency of the paper. This with the purpose of using both sides of this and take advantage of duplication of images. In these drawings use the line as a source of representation. The majority of the figures and shapes that represent estn drawn with a single line. Therefore named this series: Lines significant. In these drawings predominate simple shapes and figures suggesting SPECIFIC. Topics varan although most will IMPLIED sometimes discreet eroticism and other obvious. An interesting detail using markers surgidel difernentes types, fuel chromatic effect that resultd the chemists that make their inks. The double-sided drawings presented them in acrylic boxes that are suspended from the ceiling to be observed by both sides of paper.

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