Photo of MELF Esparragoza Venezuela

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LUIS MELF Esparragoza

2007 -

- Solo Exhibition at the Museum "Juan Astorga Anta", Mérida, Venezuela

2006 -

- Invited to the 2006 European shows, Museum Moya,

-E xp I io n collective Studio38 Gallery (Animals, pets or animals?) Vienna, Austria


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Photo of MELF Esparragoza Venezuela

LUIS MELF Esparragoza

2007 -

- Solo Exhibition at the Museum "Juan Astorga Anta", Mérida, Venezuela

2006 -

- Invited to the 2006 European shows, Museum Moya,

-E xp I io n collective Studio38 Gallery (Animals, pets or animals?) Vienna, Austria

- Participation in the Q202-AtelierRundgang 2006 (visit the ateliers)

- Ex po sic collective ion "Roots and Moments," Cultural Museum kunstwerkstatt,, Tulln, Austria.


Collective Exhibition, Gallery Studio38, Vienna, Austria

Collective Exhibition, Cultural Center, Gallery Caisa, Helsinki, Finland

-man show, Wine Cellar, Weingut Lunzer, Gols, Austria

-Exhibition in the framework of the VII International Guitar Festival in Rust 2005, Rust, Austria

"Exhibition" BLICK2 BLICK2 "WUK Museum, Projektraum, Vienna, Austria


-11 Th Biennial International Festival of Portrait and Figure Drawing '04, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- Vienna Art Festival "Montmartre" Art in the Park Vienna, Austria

"Competition" Painting outdoors in Königstetten "Königstetten, Austria


Individual Exhibition "Infantia." Austrian Latin America Institute, Vienna, Austria

"Exhibition" The Venezuelan Art Salon in Budapest. " Hungarian Cultural Foundation,

Budapest, Hungary


-Collective exhibition in the "Kongress Haus" in Salzburg, Austria

Exhibition "Latin American Artists in Vienna at the Fund Integration of Vienna Integrationsfond Wiener, Vienna,


"Exhibition" The Venezuelan Art Salon. " Mouratti Gallery, Vienna, Austria


"Exhibition" Eierversum. " Hannover Expo 2000, Hannover, Germany.


-IX Annual Exhibition of Painting "Luis Alfredo Lopez Mendez." Caracas, Venezuela

-I Hall Juan Lovera (Municipal Prize of Visual Arts). Caracas, Venezuela

-National Drawing Biennial VII. Caracas, Venezuela

-III Mirandino Hall of Fine Arts Christopher Rojas. " Los Teques, Miranda State, Venezuela


Painting Hall-XXI Fernando Valero. Caracas, Venezuela

Mirandino-II Hall of Plastic Arts "Cristóbal Rojas". Los Teques, Miranda State, Venezuela

-V National Exhibition of painting and sculpture Fonpres (Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela) Caracas, Venezuela

-Eighth Annual Exhibition of Painting "Luis Alfredo Lopez Mendez." Caracas, Venezuela

"Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture Bijoux Wizo. Caracas, Venezuela


Realization of murals "For the love of Maracay." Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela

-I Hall of Fine Arts held in the Opera House. Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela


-First Prize in Painting Hall XXI Fernando Valero held in Caracas, Venezuela on March 12, 1993

TE L + 4 3 (0) 6 9 9 1 1 7 8 6 4 6 9 ? E-MAI L: MELF @ MEL - F. C OM. WE BSI TE: www. MEL-F. COM

Addreses S: SE BA ITS GAS IS AN IPP KNE 8 to 29 / 3 0, 1 0 2 0 VI ENA, AUS TR I A

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