Photo of Denisse Perez Dominican Republic
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Studies - 1991-1998: Graduate School of Arts, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) - 1997-1998: painting class with Professor Joseph Stephan Museum of Modern Art - 2001: Intern 2001, High School of Chavin. EXHIBITIONS - 1997: Painting Exhibition of Dominican Man Museum - 2001: Meetings and Forms Casas Reales Museum (Casa de Bastidas) - 2001: 2nd East Collective Presidency Social Plan - 2001 Natural Expressions...

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Photo of Denisse Perez Dominican Republic

Studies - 1991-1998: Graduate School of Arts, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) - 1997-1998: painting class with Professor Joseph Stephan Museum of Modern Art - 2001: Intern 2001, High School of Chavin. EXHIBITIONS - 1997: Painting Exhibition of Dominican Man Museum - 2001: Meetings and Forms Casas Reales Museum (Casa de Bastidas) - 2001: 2nd East Collective Presidency Social Plan - 2001 Natural Expressions (Series) Forms Studio Pictorico - 2002 Faro a Colon dream and mutations - 2002 Spring Brush Art Gallery Prisma - 2002 Music and Ballet (Series) Forms Studio Pictorico - 2003 chipped Calle de Las Damas - 2003 Preparing our land (Series) Forms Studio Pictorico - 2003 Tribute Jaime Colson (Series) Private Collection - 2004 Rose Breaking Fusion Bar Schemes Galery - 2004 UNESCO Long Play - 2004 Parish of Our Lady of ADONAI Agua Santa - 2004 Artists with Jimani Dominican School of Plastic Artists - 2004 Exhibition Sacra (Series) Forms Studio Pictorico - 2004 Latin American Meeting House Museum Royals

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