Photo of m. hermoso Spain
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Monte Hermoso has academics studies, conducted in the School of Art Painting Olot. Polifactica is a painter who mastered all the artistic techniques, highlighting among them, watercolors and mixed techniques. Monte Hermoso starts at a young age the art of watercolor. Domina watercolors skillfully, too Impressionists waters without indulging in detail, hinting at times, the abstraction as shown in the series...

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Photo of m. hermoso Spain

Monte Hermoso has academics studies, conducted in the School of Art Painting Olot. Polifactica is a painter who mastered all the artistic techniques, highlighting among them, watercolors and mixed techniques. Monte Hermoso starts at a young age the art of watercolor. Domina watercolors skillfully, too Impressionists waters without indulging in detail, hinting at times, the abstraction as shown in the series of "Agglomerations." Knows all the secrets of the difficult technique of watercolor redeeming resources offered at the same time giving his artistic touch, getting a work of great quality. Referring to the mixed techniques, represents a variety of topics highlighting the volume they take their pictures with the material used, to achieve considerable thicknesses. leos and technicians mixed very well composed, with mastery of the technique, we show a wide chromatic, creating a special atmosphere in the description of the issues that motivate them. In conclusion, watercolors, mixed techniques and others are transformed into expressive art works and as rich as Monte Hermoso is a demanding artist with his work, where the stamp of elegance estimpreso in each of them.

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