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Photo of mario agustin RIVERO Argentina

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MARIO AGUSTIN RIVERO Born in Cordoba Capital (Argentina) 1975 and based since 1983 in the province of Buenos Aires, city of La Plata, where he finished his primary and secondary. Study the technique of the old masters in books and museums, open trials during the modern era, and the relationship of contemporary art and artists in their social environment. Working as off-set printing inks into contact with a graphic using...

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12.60 x 16.54 in
43.31 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
8.27 x 11.42 in
13.78 x 9.84 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
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MARIO AGUSTIN RIVERO Born in Cordoba Capital (Argentina) 1975 and based since 1983 in the province of Buenos Aires, city of La Plata, where he finished his primary and secondary. Study the technique of the old masters in books and museums, open trials during the modern era, and the relationship of contemporary art and artists in their social environment. Working as off-set printing inks into contact with a graphic using synthetic enamel as a means of expression for the realization of works of art in the year 2001 left his job as a printer and opened a studio in a pension La Plata. During this year of great political and economic adversity of the country made more than 10 exhibitions and popular over the years made more than 30 exhibitions of this style. In 2006 he returned to Cordoba for an exhibition in his hometown, he currently works as a portrait and design pages web. TRACK Salon 2001 Young Artists Painting Provincial of the Province of Buenos Aires. Entel 2001 Falkland Islands Cultural Center La Plata La Plata BS AS 2002 Salon Beato Angelico Provincial Catholic University of La Plata 2002 Municipal Art Salon Puglia sponsored by Association of Plastic Artists La Plata 2002 Salon of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Province of BS AS 2003 National Painting Salon Fundacion Banco Nacion, the National Chamber Exp. Salon 2003 Alpha Space Painting Art Gallery 2003 Commercial Painting Municipal Art Salon young city of La Plata 2004 Salon Painting Provincial Provincial Museum of Young Art 2004 BS AS Municipal Salon of Painting Club Gimnasia y Esgrima de LA PLATA and AAPP 2004 Salon Marina del Centro Naval paint and paint AAPP Municipal Salon 2004 Young Art of the City of La Plata 2004 Cover for the book to be happy at Hell, poetry of Federico Carrizo 2005 Salon Molina Campos Painting Provincial Provincial Museum of BSAS 2005 Salon Painting Provincial Emilio Petorutti Pasaje Dardo Rocha La Plata 2005 Salon Provincial Youth Art Graphic Humor section 2005 Salon Painting Municipal Cultural Center Castor and Plux The 2005 Silver Exhibition at the Museo Eva Peron, the prov CGT BS AS 2005 Exhibition at the Promenade Theater, Psaje Dardo Rocha La Plata AWARDS 2005 First Prize for Painting, Castor and Plux Cultural Center La Plata 2005 Provincial Salon Mention Emilio Painting Petorutti Pasaje Dardo Rocha 2004 La Plata Municipal Salon Mention Painting Club Gimnasia y Esgrima de LA PLATA and AAPP 2003 Selecciny publication of the work in the catalog of the National Painting Salon Fundacion Banco Nacion 2002 Second prize for painting Salon the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Province BSAS

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