WILMER Juarez Ramirez Born November 5, 1972 Primary studies did his primary studies at the Colegio Santa Rosa 14008 Piura-Peru. Secondary School High School In Enrique López Albujar PROMOTION 1989 Graduated from Graduate School of Fine Arts Ignacio Merino Piura-Percon the promotion Fernando de Szyszlo 1994. Specializing in Drawing and Painting Group Exhibition Group has made 58 presentations at National and International level which we will mention some: -22 Exhibitions with the Association of Plastic Arts Felipe Cossio del Pomar 1990 to 1996 -03 Exhibitions Ecuador Loja collective with The Association Felipe Cossio del Pomar 1993-A Binational Exhibition Machala Ecuador 1997-Collective exhibition with the Navy's Marine Perdenominada 1992-participation in 05 Painting of its comprehensiveness salons organized by the Latin American Universidad Nacional de Piura 1991 - 1998-Participaciny Our Talents exhibition organized by Petro Perllevando out 03 exhibitions with the same institution 2000,2001,2002-participation in 06 exhibitions called Expo Piura organized by the Fine Arts 2000-2006 cultural Embassy my works are appreciated in different parts of the world such as Canada, Brazil, Florida USA, etc. Solo-First individual exhibition called Soul of the brush in the Chambers of the Country Club de Piura 1996-Second Exhibition Individual strokes and Museum called Chambers of Banco Wiese Grau 1998-third solo show called Recent Works in the chambers of ladies Comitde PetroPer1998-IV Individual Exhibition Halls Homenaje a mi Tierra del Country Club de Piura 2006 Awards-First Place in plastic techniques of expression in 1983-Third Place Fernando De Szyszlo the promotion 1994 Drawing and painting specialty-First Place in Painting Competition organized by Wendy Pery We are the House of the Artist 1998-distinction in Painting Competition of its comprehensiveness Salon 1991-Latin American distinction in Sal No Painting organized by the Regional Bank 1996-distinction by the Commander of the First Naval Marine in contest organized by the Navy of Peru. 1998-Outstanding participation in events organized by Our talents called PETROPAR 2000-2001