Ignacio Goitia, Bilbao 1968 Data academics and Scholarships 1988-93 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country. 1991 Art School Lorenzo de Medicis, Florence, Italy. Studied drawing and painting. 1993 Grant from the Economic Community Commission within the Erasmus project in the Norfolk Institute of Art and Design, Norwich, Britain. 1994 Scholarship photography workshop: Measuring the Body Measure the City. Arteleku, San Sebastian. Scholarship in the Art Courses Mojca, Almera. Grant from the Provincial Council for the V Workshop Jan de Bellas Artes de Cazorla, directed by Alfonso Albacete, Cazorla, Jan. PhD courses in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Basque Country University, Department of Art History. 1995 Painting course at the School of San Alejandro in Havana, Cuba. Paint Shop Josmar Mosque Arteleku, San Sebastian. Imaginary Space 1999, with William Prez Villalta, Bilbao Art, Bilbao Solo Exhibitions 2005 "FTEs Galantes" "Sala Carlos III, Pamplona 2003-4" Liberté, Egalité, Etc. Etc. "Xanon Galera, Madrid 2003 "La Joie de vivre" Galera Bilkin, Bilbao 2002 "Cour de marbre" Casino Marbella, Marbella (Malaga) 2001 MAD Galera, Murcia 2001 "Cruising area" Bilkin Galera, Bilbao. 2000 " Folsom Remembrance "Galera JM Lumbreras, Bilbao. 1999 Bilbao Arte, Bilbao 1998" A balloon ride "Galera Siboney, Santander 1997 MINIMUM Galera Area, Murcia Torre Luzea 1996, Zarautz (Guipzcoa) 1994 Galley The foundry, Bilbao 1993 Aretoa Arriola Kultur, Elorrio (Vizcaya)