Home > Artworks > Gladys Martinez-Nosiglia

Photo of Gladys Martinez-Nosiglia Peru

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Peruvian artist, born in Lima. HPER-realist painting, technique in oil, ceramics and glass sculpture. Silver jewelry with beads, precious and semiprecious stones. 2005 "National Painting Competition XXV MICHELL & CIA., And Alliance Française - Arequipa" Absorbed in the Clouds "Lima - Per2004 * Award Hochschild Plaut Lus" IPAE, CADE SCULPTURE CONTEST 2004 Monterrico, Lima - Peru . * "Auction of Paintings of Painters...

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Peruvian artist, born in Lima. HPER-realist painting, technique in oil, ceramics and glass sculpture. Silver jewelry with beads, precious and semiprecious stones. 2005 "National Painting Competition XXV MICHELL & CIA., And Alliance Française - Arequipa" Absorbed in the Clouds "Lima - Per2004 * Award Hochschild Plaut Lus" IPAE, CADE SCULPTURE CONTEST 2004 Monterrico, Lima - Peru . * "Auction of Paintings of Painters Peruvian" Collective Social Club Casino in Miraflores Miraflores, Lima-Peru. 2001 * "Clay, Glass, Color, Single in Bohemia Art Gallery in Miraflores, Lima-Peru . 2000 * "Collective 2000" Painting Workshop Arribasplata, Bohemia Art Gallery in Miraflores, Lima - Peru. 1 997 * "Glass", Art Gallery 2v Surco, Lima - Peru. 1996 * " Collective, 96 "Painting Workshop, Jorge Arribasplata, Art Gallery 715, San Borja., Lima Peru. * "Art Encounter 96" Pedro de Osma Museum, organized by the Ladies Comitde the Embassy of the United States of North America, The National Culture Institute, American College Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Barranco, Lima - Peru. 1995 * "Sea Goddess Canaloa" Individual Forms Art Gallery. Miraflores, Lima - Peru. * "Art Encounter Art Museum Pedro de Osma. Barranco, Lima Peru. 1994 * "Night of Art, 94" Embassy of the United States of North America, Lima, Peru. * "Ceramic Group Integracin" Forms Art Gallery, Miraflores. Lima - Peru. 1993 * "Third Meeting of Ceramic Latinoamrica artistic" by the Institute Condorhuasi. Buenos Aires - Argentina in Florianplis Brazil. * "Integracin Group, Ceramics 93" Art Gallery The Porongo. Monterrico. Lima - Peru. * "Tiles" Art Gallery Thaddaeus. La Molina, Lima Peru. * "Gold, Silver, Clay, Glass, Art Gallery of Alliance Francaise. Miraflores, Lima - Peru. 1992 * "Night of Art, 92" Two Worlds, Embassy of the United States of North America Lima - Peru. * "Instituto de los Andes, Condorhuasi Foundation, Buenos Aires -" Tribute to Mrs. Maria Reiche, Honorary Citizen of Peru "Art Gallery Tourist Hotel Nazca Enturper-Foptur, Ica - Peru . 1991 * "Group Integracin Ceramic, 91" Prism Art Gallery. Barranco, Lima - Peru. * "II Latin American Meeting of artistic Ceramics", by the FOUNDATION Condorhuasi, Buenos Aires - Argentina, Santiago del Estero. * "Contemporary Artists" Art Gallery Thaddaeus. La Molina, Lima - Peru. * "Tribute to Excelentsimo Ambassador Javier Prez de Cuellar." Institute Peruvian Cultural Palace Osmbela Hispnica. Lima - Peru. 1990 * "Group Integracin Ceramic, 90" Art Gallery of the Foundation of the Bank of Commerce. San Isidro, Lima - Peru. * "Clay, Color and Form II, 90" American Peruvian Institute. Miraflores, Lima - Peru. * "The Fletcher Challenge Ceramic Award, 90" New Zealand. Association with Auckland Studio Potter, Inc Work "She Gestation" Being selected for this work in the Auditrium Final Exhibition of Contemporary Art Museum in Auckland, New Zealand, requested to remain in Exhibition Permanent. Is published in the Catalogue of the organization Fletcher in Ceramic Monthly Magazine. * "Night of Art, 90" Embassy of the United States of North America. Lima - Peru. * "Gallery, Expo 90" Hotel and Convention "The Village" Santa Clara, Chosica. Lima - Peru. * Integracin Group, Ceramics 90 ", Art Gallery, Estebandes. Arequipa - Peru. 1989 *" Mud, Shape, and Color, 89 "ICPNA American Peruvian Institute, Miraflores. Lima - Peru. * "The 2nd International Ceramics Competition, 89. Mino - Japan. "Tajimi City in Gifu. Title of Work: *" Flying Dreams "*" Aerial Alterations "*" Fire Dancing Lady "Getting to note Honorable Mention Outstanding. These works find in the Permanent Exhibition: * Mizunami Junior High School, Misunami City, Gifu - Japan * Miyama Soo - 901 Sasaga Miyama Town Yamagata County. Gifu - Japan. * Tajimi Cultural Hall - 28 Jukuta Cho. Tajimi City. Gifu Japan .- * "Tints and Colours III 89 "Cartagena Agreement. San Isidro, Lima - Peru. *" Ceramic Workshop Yamunaqué "Peruvian American Cultural Institute. Miraflores Lima - Peru 1988 * "Ceramic" Design Institute of Toulouse Lautrec. Miraflores, Lima - Peru. His works are in private collections in Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica, United States of North America, France, Italy, Belgium and Japan on display permanently in the city of Gifu in the Peren the Library Franklin Delano Roosevelt School, Lima. Prem 'MEMORIES OF MY GRANDMOTHER "FREE SAMPLE PAINTING WORKSHOP, sponsored by the Association of Women in the Embassy of Colombia in Lima, Pery National Institute of Culture. Getting Diploma of Honor for first place among 350 paintings. Oil on linen technique of 1.20 cm. wide x 0.60 cm. high. Style Hyper Realism "SHE gestation" FLETCHER CHALLENGE THE CERAMIC AWARDS, 90 "In Association with the Auckland Studio Potters, Inc. in New Zealand in June. Getting the Final Award of the Permanent Exhibition at the Museum Contemporary Art. Well known on display at the American Magazine "Ceramic Monthly", November 1990 and in the Catalogue of the Association Fletcher. Stone Palette technique, Engobes Patterned "DANCING LADY FIRE" Honorable Mention, with a note Outstanding, "THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION CERAMIC, 89" in Mino Japan, is located on display Standing in Tajimi Cultural Hall - 2.8 Jakuta Cho - Tajimi City, Gifu - Japan. Low temperature ceramic of 0.60 cm. High x 0.24 cm. diameter. Stone and Paddle technique with Patterned Engobes, enamels and glazes red crater crystals.

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