FERNANDO JAVIER VASQUEZ Ancalla: born in the province of Huancayo, PERU, in the year 1987. It draws from books and artist friends, as well as museums and exhibitions. ISSUES: He shows great interest in the field of abstract and surrealist painting, the painting reflects a walk in the subconscious of the human being to invite them all parameterized Refuse everyday and looking for a collective sencibilisacion taking into account the current social problems, others are identified with their culture, race and history. TECHNICAL: Tempera, watercolor, color pencil, charcoal and collage. EXHIBITIONS: "Realise exhibitions from 12 years of age. * Exhibitions on "the Mantaro Valley" - Huancaní district (between January and February all years.) * Exposion collective: "the house of the culture of the dairy-huancayo.