Esteban Rivera born in Avellaneda on May 11, 1979 Study - 2001 2003: Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte (IUNA). - 1997 2001: Workshop Riwnyj Martn (Painting). - 1996 1997: Workshop Enrique Alcatena (Drawing). awards awards 2006-1 VIII Salon of tiny Award format - drawing, Quinta Trabucco, Municipality of Vicente López. - 1 Award Hall of paint Crculo XIII's doctor Vicente López. - Mention Fair Competition in photographic images, Casa de la Cultura Town of Bolsn. 2005 - XLVIII stimuli Prize spots annual Salon of Buenos Aires, Museo Eduardo Svori Plastic Arts, Buenos Aires. - 1 Mention of Plastic Arts Salon XX Antonio De Vito, plastic artists Rodriguenses Association, General Rodríguez. 2003 - Mention II Painting Competition La Boca - Cafayate Universidad Popular de La Boca, Buenos Aires. 2001-2 medium format Mention Edea Salon, Buenos Aires. - Mention of Honor Federal Award Federal Investment Council (CFI) Regin Center, Buenos Aires. - Mention Hall of winter painting Edea, Buenos Aires. Selected 2006 - I Salon national contemporary art, Pergamino. - From the shadows into the light - stimuli Prize 76/83, Contemporneas Expression Center, Rosario. - Grand Prix of light in Ms paint art OSRAM - Arteclsica, Centro Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires .. - Youth Salon drawing and engraving art, Culture of the Province of Buenos Aires, Falkland Cultural Center, La Plata. - VIII Salon of tiny form - painting, Paseo Quinta Trabucco, Municipality of Vicente López. - XXI Salon of tiny format, Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, Tandil. - XXIII National Salon of Plastic Arts, Culture Directorate Azul. - Autumn Salon III Paint Award Roberto Di Paolo, Directorate of Culture Municipality of San Isidro. - I draw Hall of Ral Alonso, Romulus Museum Raggio, Vicente López. 2005 - National Salon I drawing and painting Municipalidad de Tres Arroyos. - I National Salon of Visual Arts, City of Junn. - XXVI Annual National Salon of Plastic Arts, City of Villa constitution. - Communicate-Prevencin road Salon, Galley Transarte, Buenos Aires. - I Salon provincial and regional archives Museum of Castelli. - IV Biennial Salon Beccar City, San Isidro. - Salon fiftieth anniversary of Argentine-Lions Lions International, Buenos Aires headquarters. - I paint Salon House Italy Wilde. - Salon of tiny Apva format, Municipality of San Isidro. - I Salon of tiny format, Antenor cultural space, Vicente López. 2004 - IX Biennale of Sacred Art, Episcopal Vic?ra Morn, CC Borges, Buenos Aires. - Federal Award Federal Investment Council (CFI) Regin Center, Buenos Aires. - Competition for spots 110th anniversary Avenida de Mayo, Buenos Aires. 2003 - Art Competition and olympic sport, national phase, ComitOlmpico Argentino, Buenos Aires. - Hall of XX Pequeo format, Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, Tandil. - Hall of paint Palermo Viejo Pub The Workshop, Buenos Aires. - Puzzle Contest II, Isidro Miranda Art Space, San Isidro. - VIII: Little Salon painting format, Loft Espacio Alfa, Buenos Aires. 2002 - Annual Salon painting Municipal, Municipality of Lans. - Hall of paint anniversary, Loft Espacio Alfa, Buenos Aires. - I Salon Crisis Argentina 2002, stimuli Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires. 2000 - II Salon of Painting, Art House Doa Rosa, Quilmes. - Hall of winter painting Edea, Buenos Aires. - LXXII Hall of drawing and painting COAP, Necochea. - I Biennial of tiny art space Amoraki format, Lans. - Salon III of tiny format Sara Stbile Award, Municipality of Alte. Brown. 1999 - I Salon of Painting, Art House Doa Rosa, Quilmes. - Hall of spring painting Edea, Buenos Aires. - Hall of paint LXXI COAP, Rauch. individual samples 2007 - Gallery of Art Crimson, Buenos Aires. 2005 - Icarus resto bar, Buenos Aires. 2004 - Piola, Buenos Aires. - Meebo (mutual graduates and students of fine arts), Buenos Aires. 2002 - Galera Edea-art Enterprise, Buenos Aires. - Club athletic Independent Headquarters, Avellaneda. - Arte Libre El Progreso, Buenos Aires. 2001 - Cafartstico Cachencho, Buenos Aires. 2000 - Life and Art Galley, Buenos Aires. 1999 - Future Club Caf, Avellaneda. group exhibitions 2006 - Photos Grficas, Piola, Buenos Aires. - Stories of the body, Arguibel, Buenos Aires. 2005 - Arteclsica, stand Guardiavieja Art Studio, Centro Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires. - One box for Juanito Laguna, 40 years later Homage to Berni, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires. - Painted Bodies, the Exhibition Center in Buenos Aires. - Marathon second edition art, contemporary art Towphya Federico, Buenos Aires. - 5006 Gallery of Art, Design Suites Hotel, Buenos Aires. - Guardiavieja Art Studio, Art Space La Raya, Mar del Plata. - Marathon of art, contemporary art Towphya Federico, Buenos Aires. 2004 - Colors for Antioch, PetroperLima Art Room, Per. - Fair of the Arts Space Edea-old Mint, Buenos Aires. - Urban Myths Icarus resto bar, Buenos Aires. 2003 - Da Art to Gallery Nights, Latin American art gallery Hilda Solano, Buenos Aires. - I Simposium art research center, educaciny Development (CRED), municipality of Antioquia, Per. - Winter meditate artist books and articles, Dominice Art Space, Buenos Aires. - Old Guard Group San Martn CCG (sponsored by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires). 2002-4 Artists 4 Spaces (sponsored by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires). - V BANUEV exhibition of plastic arts Catholic University Argentina, Buenos Aires. - VIII meeting with painters Foundation Bollini, Buenos Aires. 2001 - Martn Riwnyj Workshop, former Museum Mint, Buenos Aires. - Foundation VII meeting with painters Bollini, Buenos Aires. - Workshop Martha Tmperley Prez, former Museum Mint, Buenos Aires. - Collective Exhibition Galera Edea, Buenos Aires. - Workshops in Buenos Aires living room Mentions Edea, Buenos Aires. 2000 - VI meeting with painters Foundation Bollini, Buenos Aires. shares - Member of Guardiavieja Art Studio. - Teacher Workshop Riwnyj Martn. - Marca 2003: Interactive CD Green Sketch plastic artists. - Proarte 2001: Workshop Martha Tmperley Prez. Recorded experiences with participation of the public. - Review Mikilo. Several illustrations. - Review Comique. Several illustrations. - Self Magazine Decisin. Several illustrations. - Magazine Mural Wall Gen. Manuel MA N 5 Belgrano.