I was born on January 16, 1982 in Lima, Peru. Study at the School of Journalism and Jaime Bausate Bureau (2000-2002, Peru), perform my professional photography studies at Kodak in 2002 in Peru and made a specialization of urban photojournalism in Havana, Cuba in 2004 with the Latin American Fund of Photography and with the collaboration of Jose Marti Studies Center. Work in Peru in the magazine "Security & Management" (2002-2003), in American Television (2003-2004), as a photographer in the Cultural Association "Pataclaun" (2004) and the magazine "Peru municipal governments" (2005). During the years 2005 and 2006 worked as "educator" in a partnership francoperuana (Lima-Peru) performing artistic creativity workshops, music, family accompaniment, outreach work and home workshop, the type of population with which worked with were children living on the streets with drug addiction problems (the vast majority). I made two exhibitions-November 2004 Photography Exhibition: Retrospective of San Pedro de Lloc and its People. Casa Museo Antonio Raimondi (La Libertad, Peru). May 2008-Digital Arts and Paintings. Le Jardin Secret (Moulins, Lille, France). I live in France since 2006, I am in 2nd year of photography at the Center for Visual Arts of Lille and work making animations (art workshops) to children in the Association Atouts Sens. Assist in preparation " La Fte de Printemps "and helped the preparation of" Les Clous 400 "two shows of this year made by the artist collective" Metalu A Chahut. " I like abstract art, cubism and surrealism, music in general (especially in photos and paint job), I enjoy traveling, writing, painting and among my favorite artists I can name to Man Ray, Pollock, Miro, Ana Maria Mc Carthy , Warholl, Picasso, Goya, Dali, Martin Chambi, Frida Kahlo, Julia M. Cameron, Nicolas de Stal, including others.