Photo of Camilo Villanueva Spain

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Began painting at 35 years left his work to devote himself exclusively to painting. His paintings are characterized by strong color contrast and visual impact. At present estradicado in Cordoba, Argentina. The critics described their work as follows: Camilo Villanueva, a sort of alchemist for the realization of his work, from the depths of his being, access to a particular state of consciousness, it veh PURPOSE ass to his...

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Began painting at 35 years left his work to devote himself exclusively to painting. His paintings are characterized by strong color contrast and visual impact. At present estradicado in Cordoba, Argentina. The critics described their work as follows: Camilo Villanueva, a sort of alchemist for the realization of his work, from the depths of his being, access to a particular state of consciousness, it veh PURPOSE ass to his superior. Through his painting, provides energy, invites you to dive in and be transported to raise subtle and precipitates the dense, penetrating deep spiritual messages of love and unity. Perfect mandalas to which everyone can access and use as a door to the soul csmico transmutes into something different and higher for clues to its evolution. Access Camilo Villanueva's paintings, a sort of hologram in which each parts containing the information of all, besides being an opportunity to enrich the spirit, is incorporated as a useful tool because it makes visible the invisible and can feel one with the Creation. Was invited to participate in a traveling exhibition in Venezuela and Mexico in 1996. In Yango Art Gallery in Punta del Este, Uruguay. In Argentina exhibited at the Sheraton Hotel in Buenos Aires and the Conquistador Hotel, also in Buenos Aires in Argentina Rural Society in the Art Gallery in La Maja Patio Bullrich, the Babylon Art Gallery and the Italian Association to be invited by the National Directorate of Visual Arts in Buenos Aires, Cordoba in his paintings were exhibited at the Art Gallery "Posta del Sauce" and "The Getaway." A reason of the interesting samples and the importance of them was invited by the cable networks to participate in programs dedicated to the art (CableVision and VCC), attended important critics. The programs had a favorable recepciny considered as an interesting contribution will the pictorial art.

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