Home > Artworks > Francisco javier de la Rosa Sanchez

Photo of Francisco javier de la Rosa Sanchez Mexico

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Born December 7, 1961 in Tijuana BC son of Mr. Humberto De La Rosa C. And Mrs. Teresa C. Sanchez brother of eight family members. This stone is obtained from the Sierra de Juarez and San Pedro martyr achenes Baja California. The most laborious work I have done, are the Aztec calendars which have several months to complete, since it is a very high degree of difficulty for the great amount of detail and even more if they are...

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Born December 7, 1961 in Tijuana BC son of Mr. Humberto De La Rosa C. And Mrs. Teresa C. Sanchez brother of eight family members. This stone is obtained from the Sierra de Juarez and San Pedro martyr achenes Baja California. The most laborious work I have done, are the Aztec calendars which have several months to complete, since it is a very high degree of difficulty for the great amount of detail and even more if they are of small size o. I make all this work with knives, chisels and points that we build ourselves. With time and practice, now gives performed in hours what previously took me give as an example I can mention that I do, owls, horses, eagles and all kinds of logos for companies, logos the commercial business, is what has been leaning over the majority of the work, done hundreds of enterprises, schools, workshops, compare, physicians, government agencies, industries, agencies, schools, organizations and many other different but in the State of BC have a piece of us. The varan sizes from very simple moniker of some centimeters. So WHO meters large, but very heavy as a piece of 15 cm. general square can weigh from 2kg to 5kg and a piece of an Aztec calendar of 60 cm in diameter can carry from 70 to 100kg. and assucesivamente. Normally when choosing a piece, try the stone to be cut to match the shape and symmetry of the drawing, to keep the balance and aesthetics, the color of the stone is not always easy to pick it because each piece we do in our shop is a stone that is cut in the beta directory, freehand, with bars and picks and sail to a minimum of 1.5 meters deep. On the surface and carrying loads in arms from the beta to the vehicle at 400 meters. WHO, with no way through the bushes, rocks and an inclination of the terrain sometimes over 45 degrees which is not easy to find the desired colors, besides the betas have their particular color so that only beta darun us very defined color. Currently I have developed some techniques that anyone can easily draw on the stone, not ideas or drawing skills. (Previously selected models), the problem is to measure in bas-relief images in .2 cm., .5 Cm .., 1 cm., 3 cm., Or more and tridimencionarlos. For this we use milling machines very similar to what dentists use to remove larger volumes of stone, but the finishes are hand tools and very harsh sin, such as steel and tungsten carbide. At the end of each piece adds a very thin coat of varnish with which we can see Until then, the natural color of each stone. With a very thin needle scratched a note details, which do not indgenas, this gives more shape, and royalty to the figures. Government institutions Baja California, Secretary of Economic Development and the Department of Economics (Units which have been constantly capacitacin orientation, attention and support has been necessary to alcancpara our successful development and Progress) sends us an invitation to participate in craft shows each year, at the Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City where we have concluded that the thousands of artisans m s important to our country only we undertake this work in stone with these techniques and the degree of difficulty and detail. He obtains a prize in the National Hands of Mexico from 6 to 9 December 2001 where he won second place in my category. This award was obtained with a piece with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. It is not easy to win a prize of this magnitude, much less against thousands of the best examples across Mexico. Although we really are few artisans in Baja California are giving battle to National and International level. It's funny but I'm the only artisan in Tijuana registered with the authorities in Baja California, born in Tijuana, which is developing a craft with techniques native to our state, raw materials of the same state of BC I have also presented my National exhibition work in schools, universities and even churches. Some major broadcasters in Tijuana have been asked repeatedly in some programs to show my work and give a sure and a sculpture is made live. He also invited one of the most important fairs United States in California and we had very good acceptance, besides not find anything like our work in this exhibition. Lately the day 18 December 2002, work began on what new serel Tijuana Convention Center which fortunately I got to do for peticin Secretary of Tourism BC The First Stone, which was unveiled by our President of the Mexican Republic and the Governor of Baja California. This stone sercolocada and preserved on site when works are completed. (For public view). We know from the authorities of the government officials of our country, which throughout the world, this art, in this way, we do nicamente aqunosotros. Atte. Francisco Javier De La Rosa Sculptor Sanchez

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