Born 12.16.1935. Primare Cursestudios HHMaristas the College in the city and Santa Clara. is gradude Bachelor in 1954 and entered an continuacin the University of Havana, where segraduen 1962 as an Electrical Engineer. Graducomo Cursestudios and professional artists in the School of Arts and Crafts in Havana in 1958. In 1957 he began working in the CIA's phone. Trabajcomo engineer at the Ministry of Communications. It gradude Mastee in Systems Engineering and in 1984 he play as a specialist (Master 's) in Systems Engineering at the Union Electrica de Cuba. It was self-taught in painting, (if other than their studies in Arts and Crafts), which practiced since childhood, alternatively, with long period without doing any work, according to the pressures of work as an engineer. has exhibited in the Ministry of Industry commodities and has another pending in Catalonian Society of Cuba