Photo of LEO WELLMAR Spain
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Wellman LEO Stockhom, Sweden, 1965 Lives and works in Barcelona. Idividual EXHIBITIONS: 2007 "Landscaping" Galera Alonso Vidal, Barcelona. "Human Relations", Galera My Name's Lolita Art, Valencia. 2006 "Far" Galera Benot, Cadiz. 2005 "November", Galeria Juan Amiano, Pamplona. "Room II" Utstllningssaolongen, Stockholm. Sweden. "Room", Galera Alonso Vidal, Barcelona. 2004 More than white. Sala Rivadavia. Cultura.Diputacin...

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Photo of LEO WELLMAR Spain

Wellman LEO Stockhom, Sweden, 1965 Lives and works in Barcelona. Idividual EXHIBITIONS: 2007 "Landscaping" Galera Alonso Vidal, Barcelona. "Human Relations", Galera My Name's Lolita Art, Valencia. 2006 "Far" Galera Benot, Cadiz. 2005 "November", Galeria Juan Amiano, Pamplona. "Room II" Utstllningssaolongen, Stockholm. Sweden. "Room", Galera Alonso Vidal, Barcelona. 2004 More than white. Sala Rivadavia. Cultura.Diputacin Provincial Foundation of Cadiz. Summernight dream. LF Galera. Almagro. 2004 Timeless. Utstllningssalongen. Stockholm, Sweden. 2003 Wonderland. Carmen de la Calle Galera. Madrid. Interrelationship. Jordi Galera Barnadas. Barcelona. 2002 Northern Light. Carmen de la Calle Galera. Jerez de la Frontera. 2001 Earth, Wind & Fire. Jordi Galera Barnadas. Barcelona. Safia Galera. Barcelona 2000 Leo's Place I. Carmen de la Calle Galera. Jerez de la Frontera. Leo's Place II. Sicart Galera. Vilafranca del Peneds, Barcelona. EXHIBITIONS: 2007 Art Santander. Vidal Alonso Galera, Santander. 2006 "Foundation Awards III Arena, Galeria Alonso Vidal, Barcelona. Feria Puro Arte, Galley Alonso Vidal, Vigo. Valencia.Art. Galera Vidal Alonso, Valencia. Arte Santander. Galera Vidal Alonso, Santander. 2005 "Foundation Awards Arena II, Galeria Alonso Vidal, Barcelona. "Christmas" Utstllningssalongen. Stockholm, Sweden. Arte Santander. Vidal Alonso Galera, Santander. 2004 "I Awards Foundation Arena. Galeria Alonso Vidal, Barcelona Arco '04. Galera Carmen de la Calle. Madrid. Forosur'04. Galera Carmen de la Calle. Cceres. C first. Galer Alonso Vidal, Barcelona. 2003 Arco '03. Galera Carmen de la Calle. Madrid. VII Certamen Unicaja arts plastic. Unicaja Foundation. VIII Cam Ricard Painting Prize, Centre Cultural de Caixa Terrassa. Lupino, Gale Carmen de la Calle, Madrid. Artissima '03. Galera Palma XII. Turn. Italy. Nadal '03. Jordi Galera Barnadas. Barcelona. 2002 Arco '02. Carmen de la Calle Galera. Madrid. Works for a future Contempraneo Art Center, Faculty Exhibition Palace of the Provincial Council Provincial Cadiz. 10 Years. 10Aniversari, Jordi Galera Barnadas. Barcelona. Equus ad transgressionem-II. Galera Carmen de la Calle, Jerez. Artissima '02. Galera Palma XII, Turn. Italy. Nadal '02. Jordi Galera Barnadas. Barcelona. 2001 Arco '01. Carmen de la Calle Galera. Madrid. L'Illa D'ART. Barcelona. Art a l'Hotel. Sicart Galera. Valencia. Peneds-Artistes Del co.lecci. Sicart Galera. Vilafranca del Peneds. Painting Prize Contempornia Torroella de Montgrós, Art Museum 2000. Girona. Sensations. Galera Por Amor Art. Oporto, Portugal. 2000 The first. Sicart Galera. Vilafranca del Peneds. Barcelona Hotel & Art .* '00. Carmen de la Calle Galera. Sevilla. I Riudebtlles Biennale d'Art, Barcelona. New Art '00. Sicart Galera. Carmen de la Calle Galera. Nadal Barcelona .* '00. Jordi Galera Barnadas. Barcelona. The family? Molt b, Grcia. Sicart Galera. Vilafranca del Peneds. Agrupació Painting Prize 1997. Sala Maremagnum. Barcelona. 1984 Shapes. Graphic Art. Stockholm. Sweden. COLLECTIONS: Provincial de Cadiz Provincial Council Foundation. Svenska Konstfrbundet. Sweden. Stockholm several private foundations. Sweden. Private Foundation Arena. Barcelona. Several private collections in Spain. (* Catalog) AWARDS: 2006 1st. Painting Prize. "Private Foundation Awards III Arena." Barcelona.

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