He studied life drawing at the School of Arts and Crafts Street Pizarro in Madrid for my entry into the School of Fine Arts of San Fernando. With students of the year 1955 from the School of Fine Arts of San Fernando, practiqula natural painting, especially landscapes. By parental imposition abandonlos art studies and began work with the decorator Emilio Prez on the premises of the underside of the film Ayala and alternate the interior decoration with the creation of posters for cinemas for a year. In 1956 travel Paris where frecuentla resid7 Academy years and free of the Great Chaumire who heads the sculptor Ossip Zad-Kine and the painter Yves Brayer which recibclases paint. In those seven years in Paris realicvarias exhibitions: La CitUniversitaire in Pavilln Moneo, in the Maison de la Pense Française and the Sorbonne, in the Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels , Galea Schmela Dusseldorf (Germany) 1963 Back to Spain, and continued the practice for family reasons abandonpor painting. In 1995 reanudla painting and the following year, in July, I gave in and vendcasi Sigenza all, including: Sea bed, Cueva de Lobos Ro, Cry intolerance, House Palazuelo, Pinar de Sigenza etc. etc. They work more: Mr Rav, France. Family Cunigham, New York, family Calvo, Madrid. Family Ferrandiz, Alicante, etc. etc. In the year 2000 set out in the Pavilln de Beaux Arts de Limoges, where residun year. In the year 2005 I moved back in France, PAU and since then I have not stopped painting and sell to private individuals has been written of my inter alia: Compositions theirs a highly expressive, rich chromatic and vigorous light