Ricardo Arredondo was born in Teruel village of Cella, October 21, 1850. Toledo comes with 12 years of age and is in this city, where he received his first artistic formation to be disciple in the workshop Matas Moreno. Years later passed the School of Painting, under the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. In 1875, it is one of the cartoonists in the service of the Commission responsible for the publication of the "Monuments of Spain", whose duties desempehasta 1870. Upon returning to Toledo, the artist has a great knowledge of the archaeological and architectural monuments, which mezclarcon a great sensitivity to time to reflect on the natural landscape, especially the woods, and the environment cigarraleo. His travels through France and Spain and the new Impressionist movement to redefine the approach to the city, acercndose to photography and scientists seeking a greater role of light in his paintings. the first teachings of Matas Moreno (1840-1906) was aaden the Carlos de Haes (1826-1898) and Paul Gonzalvo (1828-1896), with whom trade touches of realism, and whose path was also No tour of Casimiro Sainz (1853-1989), Vicente Cutanda (1850-1925) and Mariano Barbasn (1854-1924). In his latest record, excellent talent reconociel Arredondo Moreno Mara, daughter of his first teacher and share it across the landscape Toledo loyalty and the creation of atmospheres with Aureliano de Beruete light in the last years of his life. Died 1911.