Born Valencia, March 13, 1972, son of a Creole, with an immigrant from Trinidad, which in turn was the daughter of European immigrants, who by turns of fate came to rest in this land of which they all leave, but suean returning. I went to other lands and how it all wrong son to come back. I have no idea since when I paint or draw and see that I have good memories, I remember just draw trees dry, black and white without a single sheet, which had not had a hippie mother, this had been concerned, so that tell the teachers about what they mean school drawings, which reflects a mental doctor sb according to the family and the psyche of the Goals, in order one took me by a young man with problems, and let me draw and drawing, over time, it leaves the tree came out just this disappeared, was the turn of the color, the time to spot anything that does not look like anything, "the light on the way," repeated I constantly , blatantly plagiarizing the view of geniuses who never had the pleasure of knowing, but not copied jams its way to translate the images, at least not consciously, crepor a brief moment I found my style and just ascom then dry the trees disappeared, the colors were losing ground to the form, nuances, shades, gave way to the line, who returned the form of faces, water and trees, and I created good, but something was missing ... the line is always controllable, work practices and conquer it, so I started to jump from side to side, Fauve color, drawing academics, cold, but elegant, this earned some respect from who looked at my work, but I won the first myself, that I think a split personality ... I will draw for others and paint it for me, wrong philosophy of life within me for a while, which is not pruned out due to lack of answers, but someone blow their ideas from a time Remote .... "Draw the light by absentee tell that pointillist Seurat, son of the Impressionists in 1872 and that both influence me even though I have been born 100 years ago, and that I do when I paint or draw the protagonist is the light, meaning this might not put the color on the form, or vice versa, when you look at my drawings that many think is a "figurative Find it's hyper-realistic, but what moves me is not the l line, that the domino modesty aside, pretty good, my drawings just that pequesimo dominates space where I put absolutely NOTHING, that absence is seen as light, ie it is the sparkle of the water of my r I, the sweat on the faces of black dance, the fold in the fabric, the intensity of a look, or just smoke. Very recently someone asked me: What is the subject of his work? LIGHT is, I am a self-seeker light